Visit by MOS Sam Tan for the 8th International Meeting of Representatives of Member States of the Arctic Council, Observer States of the Arctic Council and Foreign Scientific Community, Russian Federation, 27 September to 2 October 2019

26 September 2019

Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Sam Tan will attend the 8th International Meeting of Representatives of Member States of the Arctic Council, Observer States of the Arctic Council and Foreign Scientific Community from 27 September to 2 October 2019 in Russia.


The Meeting will be chaired by Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. Official representatives, technical experts and academics from the Arctic Council Member States and Observer States are expected to attend. This is the fifth time that Singapore is attending the annual International Meeting, since invitations were first extended to Arctic Council Observer States in 2014.


MOS will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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