Condolence Letters from Singapore Leaders on the Passing of Former French President Jacques Chirac

28 September 2019

President Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to French President Emmanuel Macron and French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe respectively to convey their condolences on the passing of former French President Mr Jacques Chirac. Prime Minister Lee and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong have also written to Mr Chirac’s widow, Mrs Bernadette Chirac, to convey their condolences.

Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman will visit Paris on 30 September 2019 to represent Singapore at Mr Chirac’s memorial service. 


The text of the letters is appended.



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Letter from President Halimah Yacob to French President Emmanuel Macron


27 September 2019

His Excellency Mr Emmanuel Macron 
French Republic
Your Excellency,
It is with great sadness that I learnt of the demise of former President of the French Republic Mr Jacques Chirac. My deepest condolences to you and the French people. 
Mr Chirac had a long and distinguished political career spanning 42 years, serving in the offices of Mayor of Paris, Prime Minister, and eventually President of the French Republic. Apart from his many accomplishments in politics and foreign policy, Mr Chirac was also well-known for his passion and support for the arts, culture and the environment, and for his efforts to improve the lives of the French people. Even after he left office, he remained active in helping the less privileged through programmes undertaken by Fondation Chirac. The beautiful Musée du quai Branly–Jacques Chirac, which houses an extensive collection of indigenous art and cultural artefacts from around the world, now stands as a fitting monument to his legacy.
During Mr Chirac’s tenure as President from 1995 to 2007, he took a special interest in building ties between France and the Asia-Pacific.  He was a regular visitor to the region, and an early supporter of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) dialogue process that continues to bring Europe and Asia closer together. During his presidency, Singapore-France bilateral relations also grew and deepened. 
My thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with you, the people of France, and the Chirac family, during this period of bereavement.
Yours sincerely,             


Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe

28 September 2019

Dear Prime Minister,
On behalf of the Government of Singapore, please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of former President of the French Republic Mr Jacques Chirac on 26 September 2019.
One of France’s longest-serving Presidents, Mr Chirac was a well-respected leader, both nationally and internationally. He was at the centre of French politics for nearly half a century and made numerous lasting contributions. During his presidency, France made progress on European integration, entered into the single European currency, and abolished compulsory military service. Mr Chirac also stood up for what he believed in, and famously opposed the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Mr Chirac was a valued partner of Singapore. My father, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and him became close friends after they first met in 1974. I had the honour of meeting Mr Chirac several times, including when he visited Singapore in July 2005 to attend the 117th International Olympic Committee Session, when Paris was bidding to host the 2012 Summer Games. I remember him as someone warm, charismatic and passionate about French food, culture and history. 
Mr Chirac also presided over the strengthening of our bilateral ties, including through the establishment of the Republic of Singapore Air Force 150 Squadron training base in Cazaux in 1998, which today epitomizes our close defence relationship. He also supported a France-Singapore proposal to strengthen the dialogue between Asia and Europe at the highest political levels, which eventually culminated in the launch of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process in 1996.
Mr Chirac will be remembered as a statesman and a patriot. Our thoughts are with the people of France and Mr Chirac’s family as you mourn the loss of a great man.
With deepest sympathies. 
Yours Sincerely,
His Excellency Mr Édouard Philippe 
Prime Minister
French Republic



Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Mrs Bernadette Chirac, widow of former French President Jacques Chirac
28 September 2019
Dear Mrs Chirac,
It was with profound sadness that I learned of the passing of your beloved husband, former President of the French Republic Mr Jacques Chirac.  Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family.
Mr Chirac had one of the longest and most distinguished political careers of any French politician. In his different roles as Mayor of Paris, Prime Minister, and then President of the French Republic, he fought for the well-being of the French people, and was a champion of the environment and French culture. In foreign policy, he was a fierce defender of France’s sovereignty. When his tour as President ended, Mr Chirac continued to contribute through his Fondation Chirac, and was instrumental in setting up an outstanding art museum in Paris that aptly bears his name, the Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac. I fondly remember that Mr Chirac received me and showed me around the museum after his retirement as President.
Singapore, and, more broadly Asia, had a friend in Mr Chirac. He was a keen observer of developments in the region. He also appreciated the region’s importance to France and Europe, and sought to strengthen France’s and Europe’s engagement with Asia. He was a staunch supporter of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) to foster better mutual understanding and forge closer cooperation between Asia and Europe, which was first mooted by France and Singapore.
My late father, Singapore’s first Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew, first met your husband in 1974, after he had just taken office as Prime Minister in the government of President Giscard d’Estaing. In the ensuing years, they developed a close friendship, and our bilateral ties strengthened considerably. The late Mr Lee described Mr Chirac as a world leader, with whom he was able to talk freely and frankly, without giving or taking offence. Their discussions were often passionate and robust, but there was always mutual respect and admiration. I too had the pleasure of meeting Mr Chirac when he visited Singapore in October 2004 and July 2005, and also during my visits to France in 2003 and 2005. He was always very warm to me, and I benefited from his insights into international issues.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of grief.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Bernadette Chirac
c/o Elysée Palace


Letter from Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to Mrs Bernadette Chirac, widow of former French President Jacques Chirac


28 September 2019 

Mrs Bernadette Chirac
c/o Elysée Palace 
French Republic
Dear Mrs Chirac,
I am saddened at the passing of Mr Jacques Chirac. I knew him personally. I extend my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
As Prime Minister of Singapore, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Chirac many times, first when he was the mayor of Paris, and later when he became President of France. I made an official visit to France in March 1999 and he reciprocated with a visit to Singapore in October 2004 on his way to Vietnam to attend the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). We also interacted in many ASEM summits.
France and Singapore initiated ASEM. Mr Chirac participated actively in ASEM meetings, and contributed much to its growth. ASEM remains an important platform for dialogue and partnership between our two regions.
Mr Chirac knew and loved Asia. He was knowledgeable in its arts and pottery. During his visit in 1994, I showed him a small display of Asian pottery pieces after our dinner. I was astounded that he could identify their country of origin and the periods they were made.  
Mr Chirac was a good friend of Singapore. He was sincere and warm. I appreciated our substantive discussions and his insights on current affairs. Mr Chirac had a long and distinguished political career.
He was a great leader of France and a world statesman. 
Yours sincerely,

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