Visit by Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Sam Tan for the 8th International Meeting of Representatives

02 October 2019

Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Sam Tan is in Russia to attend the 8th International Meeting of Representatives of Member States of the Arctic Council, Observer States of the Arctic Council and Foreign Scientific Community.
On the sidelines of the meeting, MOS Tan met the Special Representative of the Russian President on International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic Artur Chilingarov during which they reaffirmed our good bilateral relations and looked forward to deeper cooperation on Arctic issues between our countries. MOS Tan also attended a reception to mark Mr Chilingarov’s 80th birthday.
In addition, MOS Tan touched base with Senior Arctic Officials from the Arctic Council Member States and Observer States as well as academics to learn more about developments in the Arctic, and to share Singapore’s experiences and contributions to the work of the Arctic Council. MOS Tan also had a bilateral meeting with Deputy National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India Pankaj Saran, during which they reaffirmed good bilateral relations and discussed developments in the Arctic.
MOS Tan returns to Singapore today.
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2 OCTOBER 2019

MOS Sam Tan at the opening reception of the 8th International Meeting of AC Representatives hosted by Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.
(L-R) MOS Sam Tan, Director of the Swedish Polar Research Institute Katarina Gardfeldt, Special Representative of the Russian President on International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic Artur Chilingarov, Secretary Patrushev.
[Photo Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore]


MOS Sam Tan and Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Alexander Makarov
[Photo Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore]

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