Congratulatory Letter from President Halimah Yacob to United States President Joe Biden on the United States' 245th Independence Day

04 July 2021

              President Halimah Yacob has written to United States President Joe Biden to convey her best wishes on the occasion of the 245th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America on 4 July 1776.
              The text of the letter is appended.
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4 JULY 2021
Congratulatory Letter from President Halimah Yacob to United States President Joe Biden
30 June 2021
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
United States of America
Dear President Biden,
                On behalf of the people of Singapore, I extend my warmest congratulations to you and the American people on the occasion of the 245th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America.
                Singapore and the United States share a longstanding, multifaceted and robust partnership. The close friendship between our two countries, built on mutual trust and a convergence of interests, has guided our strong ties in defence, security, economic and people-to-people relations over the past 55 years. Amidst these challenging times, I am glad that bilateral cooperation between Singapore and the US has continued to expand to include areas such as climate change, clean energy, digital economy, infrastructure financing, public health and cybersecurity.
                Singapore is committed to support the United States’ engagement of the region. We will continue to work with the United States to further strengthen bilateral cooperation to advance our shared interests and address common challenges both regionally and globally. 
                Please accept my best wishes for your continued good health and success.
Yours sincerely,
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