Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s Participation in the Pledging Conference to Support ASEAN’s Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar, 18 August 2021

18 August 2021

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan participated in the Pledging Conference to Support ASEAN's Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar via videoconference on 18 August 2021.  The Conference was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat, and led by ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi in his capacity as the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator.


Minister Balakrishnan highlighted the urgent need for ASEAN Member States, our partners, and the international community to come together to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Myanmar people.  He reiterated Singapore’s commitment to support ASEAN’s efforts in alleviating the humanitarian situation in Myanmar, as mandated in the Five-Point Consensus agreed at the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on 24 April 2021.


At the recent 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on  2 August 2021, Minister Balakrishnan announced a USD 100,000 contribution to support the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management’s efforts in Myanmar.  This contribution is over and above the 200 units of 10-litre oxygen concentrators which Singapore had provided to Myanmarthrough the Singapore Red Cross and Myanmar Red Cross Society, and Singapore’s earlier contributions of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines, diagnostic tests, surgical masks, hand sanitisers, and other medical supplies to  support Myanmar’s efforts to combat COVID-19.


Singapore welcomes the generous contributions by ASEAN Member States, ASEAN’s external partners, and other international partners to support the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar.



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18 AUGUST 2021

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