Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan's Participation in the ASEAN-Brazil Open-Ended Troika Meeting with Brazil Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Alberto Franco França, 19 August 2021

19 August 2021


Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan participated in the ASEAN-Brazil Open-Ended Troika Meeting with Brazil Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Alberto Franco França via videoconference on 19 August 2021.


At the meeting, ASEAN Member States and Brazil explored ways to deepen ASEAN-Brazil cooperation, such as addressing the challenges posed by COVID-19, as well as to bolster trade and investment. Minister Balakrishnan reaffirmed Singapore’s support for Brazil’s engagement of ASEAN, and Brazil’s application to be a Sectoral Dialogue Partner of ASEAN.  As the most populous country in Latin America, Brazil presents strong potential as a gateway for greater economic cooperation and engagement between ASEAN and Latin America.


The Meeting was chaired by Brunei Minister of Foreign Affairs II Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof.



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19 AUGUST 2021

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