Letters from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Outgoing Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and Incoming Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Federal Republic of Germany

08 December 2021

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written a valedictory letter to outgoing Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, and a congratulatory letter to incoming Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the Federal Republic of Germany.



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8 December 2021



Dear Chancellor Merkel,



Please accept my best wishes as you complete your distinguished tenure as Federal Chancellor of Germany.


Your illustrious achievements over the past 16 years have laid a strong foundation that will stand Germany in good stead for many years to come. Through four consecutive terms in the Federal Chancellery, you steered Germany, and Europe, through many highs and lows. You have earned the respect of your peers in Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world.


I am glad we met again recently at the G20 meeting a few weeks ago. As you reminded me in Rome, the first time we met was in December 2005 in Berlin. I had taken over as Prime Minister the year before, and it was my good fortune to be your first official guest shortly after you were sworn in as Chancellor. Since then, we have met regularly, including during your Official Visit to Singapore in 2011, when an orchid was named after you; and on my two subsequent visits to Berlin. Our exchanges were always constructive and substantial, and I have greatly valued your candour and methodical approach to the complex issues confronting our countries and the world.


It has been my privilege to work with you to strengthen the excellent relations between our two countries. The Joint Declaration on Enhanced Partnership, first signed by our predecessors in 1998, was upgraded in 2005. Our bilateral collaboration has grown, particularly in the areas of defence, education, scientific research, and Industry 4.0. I am especially grateful for your strong support for the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, which has brought tangible benefits to companies in Singapore and the EU, including Germany. Germany is one of Singapore’s key economic partners and many more German companies are investing in Singapore, including BioNTech which is building a vaccine plant here.


Germany’s international stature today as a reliable and responsible power would not have been possible without your wise leadership and commitment to fostering strong international partnerships through a rules-based multilateral system. You have inspired many young men and women through your exemplary leadership and service to both your nation and the international community.


Ho Ching and I wish you and Joachim the very best of health and much fulfilment in your retirement. As I said to you in Rome, both of you will always be welcomed as our guests in Singapore.



Yours sincerely,





Her Excellency Dr Angela Merkel

Federal Chancellor

Federal Republic of Germany



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8 December 2021



Dear Chancellor Scholz,



I was happy to meet you in Rome during the recent G20 Summit. Please accept my warmest congratulations on your electoral victory, and appointment as Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Germany is an important and trusted partner for Singapore. Over the years, our bilateral ties have strengthened through numerous exchanges at all levels. I recall your last visit to Singapore for the World Cities Summit in July 2016 while you were First Mayor of Hamburg. A year later, in July 2017, I had the pleasure of visiting Hamburg for the G20 Summit. I am glad that our bilateral ties have continued to deepen, underpinned by robust cooperation spanning the diplomatic, defence, economic, education, environment, research, and cultural sectors. Reflecting the enduring friendship between our two countries, Germany was one of the first countries with which Singapore launched a Vaccinated Travel Lane. This was a key step towards re-establishing air connectivity for vaccinated individuals amidst the pandemic.


Regionally, there is much scope for Singapore and Germany to serve as each other’s hubs in our respective regions, especially given our shared support for multilateralism, free trade, and a rules-based global order. We can also work together to strengthen ties between Europe and Southeast Asia, including under the auspices of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement and the ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement. Given the many global challenges that we face, including the pandemic, climate change, and the impact these have had on our supply chains and livelihoods, it is timely that our two countries are looking to broaden cooperation in new areas such as the digital economy, cybersecurity, and sustainability. I look forward to working closely with you on these and other issues, both bilaterally and at the various multilateral fora which our countries take part in.


I wish you and your government every success in the years ahead, and all the very best as Germany takes on the G7 Presidency next year.



Yours sincerely,





His Excellency Olaf Scholz

Federal Chancellor

Federal Republic of Germany

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