Congratulatory Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio

15 July 2022

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to convey his congratulations on the Liberal Democratic Party’s victory in the Upper House elections of 10 July 2022. The text of the letter is appended.

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15 JULY 2022

Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio

14 July 2022

Dear Prime Minister Kishida, 

               Congratulations on the Liberal Democratic Party’s victory at the House of Councillors election on 10 July 2022. While your party’s success comes at a time of grief given the recent passing of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, the election results are a strong signal of the Japanese people’s trust and confidence in your government and leadership.

               Singapore and Japan enjoy an excellent and multi-faceted partnership, underpinned by warm people-to-people ties and close cooperation across many sectors. During our recent meetings in Tokyo and Singapore, we expanded collaboration in many areas including digitalisation, innovation, and defence. We also agreed to explore further collaboration in the economic sphere and on the full resumption of cross-border travel. I look forward to continue working with you to further enhance our ties.

               I wish you good health and every success, and look forward to meeting you again soon.

Yours sincerely,




His Excellency Kishida Fumio
Prime Minister


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