Transcript of Speech by Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Second Minister for Education Dr Mohamad Maliki bin Osman at the Foreign Service Scholarship Award Ceremony, 12 August 2022

12 August 2022

Friends, parents, colleagues, distinguished guests and of course, scholarship recipients.


2 A very good afternoon to all of you. Let me begin by offering my heartiest congratulations to the recipients of this year’s Foreign Service Scholarship. You have worked very hard and well done. Speaking as a father, you have made your parents, family, and teachers all equally proud. I hope you will remember the sacrifices of your loved ones even as you celebrate your success and prepare for the day you will pay it forward.


3 Today marks the beginning of your journey as a scholar, university student, and Foreign Service Officer. You may be feeling a little bit nervous, and this is perfectly alright. Joining the MFA is a wonderful opportunity to be part of something that is larger than yourself, to serve a larger purpose on this challenging and meaningful journey.


4 Over the last two years, our lives have been upended by COVID-19. With the intensification of rivalry between the US and China, disruptions wrought by technology and climate change, and global terrorism, we are reminded that Singapore is a small and vulnerable state that is highly exposed to the external environment. Our survival and success are not to be taken for granted. MFA has a critical role to play in continuing to safeguard and advance our national interests. 


5 Foreign Service Officers are at the frontlines of Singapore’s diplomatic efforts. Singapore must continue to enhance our relevance to the world. A small, multiracial and multi-religious city-state must stay united to chart a coherent future course. COVID-19 has underlined the importance of public diplomacy to combat misinformation, which can sow fear, suspicion, and hamper our recovery and policymaking. Foreign Service Officers will need to communicate persuasively, to explain Singapore’s positions and counter misinformation.


6 As scholars, you are already representatives of Singapore overseas. I am confident that you will do well academically, but university is more than just studying.  I hope you will also find time to grow, to experience life, to make friends, broaden your networks and widen your perspectives. And also have fun! This will equip you to be an effective Foreign Service Officer in Singapore, and to represent us on the world stage.


7 Let me end off by extending a warm welcome to our newly minted Foreign Service scholars – Elizabeth, Chia Han, Jessica, Kynan, Isaac, and Denyse, who are joining the MFA family. I wish you all the very best in your journey ahead. And congratulations again.


8 Thank you.


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