Working Visit of Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Education and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman to Israel, 19 October 2022

19 October 2022

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Education and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman is in Israel for a working visit.


Minister Maliki met Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Director General (DDG) for Asia and the Pacific Rafael Harpaz and DDG for Euro-Asia and West Balkans Simona Halperin, who was Israel’s Ambassador to Singapore from 2017 to 2019. They reaffirmed the excellent relations between Singapore and Israel and reviewed global and regional developments, including the Middle East Peace Process. Minister Maliki reiterated Singapore’s support for a negotiated two-state solution, with Israelis and Palestinians living side-by-side in peace and security.


Minister Maliki also visited the Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), where he met TAU President Professor Ariel Porat and HIT President Professor Eduard Yakobov respectively to exchange views on future-proofing education and increasing academia-industry collaboration. During the meetings, Minister Maliki welcomed opportunities for further collaboration and exchanges between the two universities and Singapore’s institutes of higher learning.  


Minister Maliki departs for Jordan tonight.



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19 OCTOBER 2022




Photo Caption: Meeting between Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman and Israel MFA Deputy Director General (DDG) for Asia and the Pacific Rafael Harpaz and DDG for Euro-Asia and West Balkans Simona Halperin.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore 



Photo Caption: Meeting between Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman and President of the Tel Aviv University Professor Ariel Porat.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore 



Photo Caption: Meeting between Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman and President of the Holon Institute of Technology Professor Eduard Yakobov.

Photo Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore 




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