Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan's Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on What MFA Is Doing to Attract The Top Talent Needed to Continue Representing Singapore in Diplomacy

03 October 2022



Mr Christopher de SouzaTo ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs what is the Ministry doing to attract the top talent needed to continue representing Singapore in diplomacy at home and overseas




The Foreign Service offers unique opportunities for our officers to represent Singapore on the global stage.  Our Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) have to respond swiftly and astutely to emerging developments around the world that have consequential impact on Singapore’s national interests and the well-being of Singaporeans. Young FSOs are given opportunities to represent Singapore early in their careers through engagement with foreign counterparts at international conferences like the United Nations General Assembly and ASEAN meetings and postings to Overseas Missions. It is thus critical that we continue to recruit top talent to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) with the necessary attributes to operate in a complex, volatile global environment.


2 MFA continually reviews our career schemes to meet the challenges posed by the increased competition for talent. Foreign Service Officers are in demand in many other fields, including the private sector, because of their training, experience and versatility. We review our Foreign Service remuneration package regularly to ensure that we remain competitive.


3 We will continue to actively recruit top talent through our outreach programmes and internships conducted in MFA’s HQ and at our Overseas Missions. Beyond tangible elements, it is the honour of representing our nation and sense of fulfilment that motivates all MFA officers.



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3 OCTOBER 2022

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