Visit of Dr Jerry Sambuaga, Vice Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia Under the S R Nathan Fellowship, 26 to 29 October 2022

25 October 2022

Dr Jerry Sambuaga, Vice Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia, is visiting Singapore under the S R Nathan Fellowship from 26 to 29 October 2022, at the invitation of Minister of State (Trade & Industry) (Culture, Community and Youth) Alvin Tan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Dr Sambuaga will meet Minister (Trade & Industry) Gan Kim Yong, Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs) (National Development) Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State (Communications and Information) (Health) Dr Janil Puthucheary, and Minister of State (Trade & Industry) (Culture, Community and Youth) Alvin Tan. Dr Sambuaga will also meet senior officials from the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the National Climate Change Secretariat, and receive a guided tour of the Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology.


The S R Nathan Fellowship is a high-level programme for foreign leaders, prominent personalities, and opinion shapers to visit Singapore to exchange ideas and experiences with Singapore leaders and senior government officials on issues of mutual interest. The Fellowship was launched by former President S R Nathan and then-Minister for Foreign Affairs K Shanmugam in November 2012.



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25 OCTOBER 2022

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