Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s National Statement at the BBNJ Intergovernmental Conference and Engagements in New York, 19 June 2023

20 June 2023

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan delivered Singapore’s National Statement at the further resumed fifth session of the Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ IGC) on 19 June 2023.
Minister Balakrishnan welcomed the historic adoption of the BBNJ Agreement. He highlighted that it was remarkable that the UN was able to adopt this new treaty by consensus at a time when the world was unsettled. Minister Balakrishnan congratulated the delegations involved in the negotiations and called for the early signing and ratification of the Agreement. The transcript of the National Statement is appended. 
Minister Balakrishnan hosted a reception at the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the UN on the occasion of the adoption of the Agreement. The transcripts of Minister Balakrishnan’s and President of the BBNJ IGC Ambassador Rena Lee’s remarks at the reception are appended.  
Minister Balakrishnan called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly Csaba Kőrösi. Minister Balakrishnan reaffirmed Singapore’s commitment to multilateralism and support for reforms that would better equip the UN to deal with present and future challenges, as well as improve governance of our global commons.
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20 JUNE 2023
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19 JUNE 2023
Thank you, Madam President. It has a nice ring to it. Your Serene Highness, Prince Albert of Monaco, thank you for reminding us that the ship has reached shore. We also thank you for many years of decades of support, being the lighthouse to make sure this ship navigates safely to shore. Thank you, Your Serene Highness.
2 I would also like to extend my congratulations to Madam President, and indeed all the delegates here on this historic occasion when we adopt the BBNJ (Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction) Agreement. A historic decision was made today, and it was only possible because of the political commitment of everyone to find a practical solution forward. The world is in an unsettled place, but the world needs good news, and today is a good day. I would also like to add that it is fitting that the adoption of this Agreement comes in the week in which the United Nations will celebrate the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. Many women have played critical roles in the development of this treaty, including in leadership positions. Madam President, as we celebrate the adoption of this treaty, let us take a moment to reflect on and to recognise the significant contributions made by women in diplomacy since the founding of the United Nations. To all the women ambassadors and delegates down here, and to all the women in this room, thank you. Thank you even more so for the future when I am sure we will make this world a better place.
3 I want to make just three quick points on this occasion.
4 First, the adoption of the BBNJ Agreement is a victory for international law. It is fitting that it was adopted not long after the international community celebrated the 40th anniversary of the adoption and opening for signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This sets out the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out. This is an agreement that is grounded in and upholds UNCLOS through the rules that it sets for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. I believe it strengthens the comprehensive framework provided by UNCLOS and reaffirms the rule of law in ocean governance.
5 Second, the adoption of this Agreement is a victory for the management of the global commons. The ocean provides food, supports millions of jobs, and a livelihood across the entire world, including for landlocked states. We are all dependent on the oceans. It enables global trade and communications, it plays a critical role in climate systems and the water cycle and is a critical reservoir of marine biodiversity. This Agreement is a collective game changer for our efforts to conserve and to sustainably use marine biological diversity. It also marks a step forward for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 that mandates the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, the seas, and the marine resources for all humanity.
6 Third, the adoption of this Agreement is a victory for multilateralism, and for the United Nations itself. Singapore is a tiny city state in the heart of Southeast Asia. Our history, our people and our economy are deeply intertwined with the ocean. We rely on the ocean for our survival and our prosperity, and at the same time, we recognise the importance of multilateral cooperation under the aegis of the United Nations in establishing and upholding a rules-based international order founded upon international law. This is especially critical for the survival of small states everywhere. The adoption of this Agreement by consensus, in a time when the world is unsettled, is all the more remarkable. It is a testament of what can be achieved in the United Nations, when we take collective action in pursuit of a shared objective.
Madam President,
7 On behalf of the government and the people of Singapore, let me say that we feel very privileged and humbled that a Singaporean ambassador was given the honour to preside over the BBNJ negotiations. We express our appreciation to all delegations present for your tireless efforts, your hard work and flexibility, which were critical for the successful conclusion of these negotiations. I also want to thank the UN Secretariat, in particular the Secretary-General of the Conference, Mr Miguel de Serpa Soares, and DOALOS (Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea), which provided invaluable support and assurance to the President and delegations throughout the negotiations and the many sleepless nights which I know you all endured.
8 I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the observers, many of you seated at the back (of the room). Your presence is noted and deeply appreciated. To the inter-government organisations and civil society organisations, you have been a constant presence on this journey towards concluding this Agreement. You have every right to take credit for and responsibility for the conclusion of these negotiations by your active participation in the sessions of the conference as observer delegations. The initiatives launched by the civil society organisations and other observers have also contributed to maintaining the momentum, and to keep the political pressure which has led to this successful outcome.
9 Let me conclude that today is a critical moment, but our work is not yet done. The international community must now strive for universal participation in and effective implementation of the Agreement. Singapore will sign the Agreement when it opens for signature on the 20th of September 2023, and we intend to ratify it as soon as possible. Just to remind you, you have got the little octopus, and the flag saying, “please ratify now”. On that note, let me again, call on all UN member states to similarly strive for an early signing and ratification of the treaty, and to share your experiences in ratification with other states so that we can work for its entry into force in the near future as soon as possible.
10 Thank you all again, Madam President, ladies and gentlemen.
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19 JUNE 2023
Thank you, Burhan. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be here.
2 I wanted to again say how delighted all of us are to be here at the adoption of the BBNJ (Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction) Agreement, which has been a culmination of many years of work by many people in this room. For those of you who have been involved in these sorts of negotiations, I said earlier (that) the world needs some good news. The fact that we were able, despite all the challenges and the zeitgeist moment to arrive safely - I think his Serene Highness said the ship has reached the shore. That is worth celebrating in a big way.
3 I also made the point that this Agreement comes in the week in which we are celebrating the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. In case you think it is just words, just look around the room, and you will agree that women in diplomacy have made a real difference. Not just today, not just for this agreement, but indeed, over decades in the United Nations. The fact that we were able to put up Ambassador Rena (Lee), it is another advertisement and icon for women in diplomacy. So, congratulations Rena.
4 For many of my old friends here, like (Maldivian Foreign Minister) Abdulla Shahid, comes literally from a small island state. I would say the difference between Singapore and Maldives is that Maldives has over one million square kilometres of ocean. Now we call it a ‘Big Ocean State’. Singapore remains a little island city state. The fact that we have been able to make common cause, protect the oceans and the biodiversity that it represents, that it is the cradle of life, that it is also the route by which we all trade, and the fact that it plays such an integral role for climate change. In fact, it is the buffer. It is probably what stands between us and disaster. In recognition of all these challenges, we are very glad to have arrived at this point.
5 I also want to inform all of you that Singapore undertook an additional nine new voluntary commitments in connection with the second UN Ocean Conference last year, including launching three new environmental research projects, and working on a variety of shipping decarbonisation initiatives such as encouraging the transition to environmentally friendly ship fuel. Of course, we continue to share our development experiences and extend technical assistance to our fellow developing countries through the Singapore Cooperation Programme, including courses on law of the sea, biodiversity management, and environmental conservation. It should not surprise you therefore, that we participated actively and constructively in the negotiations for the BBNJ Agreement. We put up a very strong ambassador who was capable of shepherding everyone in a consensual and in her unique, emollient, but effective way of mobilising. This is a fleet of small boats and super tankers. To drive that kind of fleet to get through safely is not a mean feat. Again, a big congratulations to Rena and the team, and to all of you who have made this happen.
6 As I said earlier this morning, our work does not stop here. The Agreement is scheduled to be open for signature on the 20th of September 2023. We hope to see as many of your countries signing that, hopefully on the 20th or soon thereafter, and ratifying it. To the alliance that came up with the mascot of the octopus which says “ratify now”, I could not express it better than that.
7 Thank you all and congratulations. Have a wonderful day.
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19 JUNE 2023
I have nothing profound to say, except that I wanted to thank you. Many of you have come up to me to congratulate me. That makes me feel like such a fraud, because it is not me. It is not what I have done. It is what all of you, each and every one of you have done, to bring us to this point. I can only say thank you. It sounds inadequate, but thank you.
2 Minister mentioned that this week, we are celebrating the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. People know I do not usually reference my gender, but I wanted to thank all the women who have played such sturdy roles in the process. We should be proud to be women, we should be proud to not have to wear pants or trouser suits, or speak in a lower tone of voice just to get ahead. But let us not forget that for this to work, we need to work with the men too. Men and women alike must join hands in order to move this process forward.
3 I know today we are going to celebrate. So, I am not going to take very much longer because all of you want to celebrate, and we should. We should celebrate because while we all recognise that there is a lot more work to be done, I hope that we can take with us this knowledge and this belief that we did it before. And we can do it again. In full keeping with my tradition of quoting from songs, this is actually a song from Singapore. It is called “The Road Ahead”. It celebrates (Singapore’s) National Day. And as we celebrate, and we look forward, we know there will be some hurdles to cross. But we know that we can surmount them, because we have done it before. And we can do it again. So, thank you very much to everyone.
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Photo Caption: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan delivering the National Statement at the further resumed fifth session of the BBNJ Intergovernmental Conference, 19 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

Photo Caption: Ambassador Rena Lee presiding over the further resumed fifth session of the BBNJ Intergovernmental Conference, 19 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

Photo Caption: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 19 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

Photo Caption: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s meeting with the President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly Csaba Kőrösi, 19 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

Photo Caption: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan hosting a reception at the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the UN on the occasion of the adoption of the BBNJ Agreement, 19 June 2023

Photo Credits: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

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