MFA Spokesperson's Comments on the Role of Singapore's Non-Resident Ambassadors

31 July 2023

In response to media queries about the role of Singapore’s non-resident Ambassadors (NRAs), the MFA Spokesperson said:


NRAs are appointed by the Government of Singapore and are issued a Letter of Credence from the President of Singapore to the Head of State of the receiving country. As Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Singapore, they have the full authority of a diplomatic mission, the same as that of a resident Ambassador’s, spelt out under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. These include:


  • Representing Singapore in the country he/she is accredited to;
  • Protecting the interests of Singapore and of its nationals in the accredited country, within the limits permitted by international law;
  • Negotiating with the Government of the accredited country on behalf of the Government of Singapore;
  • Ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments in the accredited country, and reporting thereon to the Government of Singapore; and
  • Promoting friendly relations between Singapore and the accredited country, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific relations.   


The NRA scheme was introduced in 1982 as a means to extend Singapore’s representation overseas with regular visits to advance Singapore’s diplomatic interests and relations in countries where we do not have a resident mission. Our NRAs come from a variety of backgrounds, including the private sector and academia. Some are retired public officers. MFA currently has 45 NRAs covering countries in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Americas, South Asia, the Pacific and several International Organisations.



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31 JULY 2023

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