Congratulatory and Valedictory Letters from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet and Outgoing Prime Minister Hun Sen

07 August 2023

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written a congratulatory letter to Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Manet and a valedictory letter to outgoing Prime Minister Hun Sen. The text of the letters is appended.



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7 AUGUST 2023


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Congratulatory letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Manet


26 July 2023


Dear Prime Minister,


                   On behalf of the Government of Singapore, I congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia.


                   Singapore and Cambodia have longstanding and friendly ties. Our bilateral relationship has grown since our last meeting in 2018, when you visited Singapore as the 64th Lee Kuan Yew Exchange Fellow. We have stepped up cooperation in trade and investments, technical assistance, as well as military-to-military exchanges under your leadership as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Army. We have also expanded collaboration in new and emerging areas, such as the export of renewable energy to Singapore and the trading of carbon credits. Our countries should continue to explore expanding collaboration in areas such as climate change and digitalisation.


                   I look forward to working with you and your team to continue strengthening our cooperation, both bilaterally and at multilateral fora. I also look forward to meeting you in-person at the upcoming 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta this September. 



Yours sincerely,


Lee Hsien Loong


General Hun Manet

Prime Minister

Kingdom of Cambodia


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Valedictory letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Outgoing Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Sen


26 July 2023


Dear Samdech Prime Minister,


                   Congratulations on the victory of the Cambodian People’s Party at the 2023 National Assembly Elections.  The outcome is a clear endorsement of your leadership and vision for Cambodia’s future.


                   Please accept my best wishes as you step down as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. You are one of the longest-serving leaders in the world, having steered Cambodia through challenging and unprecedented times. You have worked hard to bring peace, stability, and development to the Cambodian people. In recent years, you led a successful ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022 and organised Cambodia’s first-ever hosting of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games in 2023.


                   Singapore and Cambodia enjoy longstanding and friendly relations. Thank you for your strong support for strengthening bilateral ties. Our cooperation has grown across a broad spectrum of areas over the years. Trade and investments between our countries continue to grow, and we are collaborating in new and emerging fields such as carbon credits and the export of renewable energy.


                   My team and I look forward to continue working closely with you, as well as incoming Prime Minister Hun Manet, to further deepen our partnership. 


                   I wish you good health and continued success in your endeavours.


Yours sincerely,


Lee Hsien Loong


Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen

Prime Minister

Kingdom of Cambodia



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