Mr Speaker,
1 I rise to speak in support of the motion. In Malay please.
2 Tuan Speaker, Seperti ramai rakyat Singapura, saya juga amat terganggu dan merasa pilu atas kehilangan nyawa warga awam pada kedua-dua pihak, serta keadaan kemanusiaan yang semakin teruk di Gaza. Bermula dengan serangan mengejut yang meragut 1,400 jiwa rakyat biasa di Israel, kini setiap hari kita melihat liputan yang menunjukkan kemusnahan dan kehampaantentang jumlah nyawa yang tidak berdosa, yang terkorban, termasuklah lebih 3,700 kanak-kanak Palestin di Gaza. Rasa pilu juga mengenang nasib kanak-kanak yang menjadi yatim piatu kerana ibu-bapa mereka kehilangan kerana terkorban. Sudah tentu Masyarakat Islam kita khususnya, berasa cemas, berasa resah, berasa sedih dan juga marah. Bagaimanakah kekejaman sebegini terus berlaku? Krisis kemanusiaan terkini yang dihadapi rakyat Palestin ini adalah satu tragedi yang sungguh menyayat hati. Pemerintah memahami emosi yang dirasai dan yang diluahkan masyarakat Islam serta rakyat Singapura yang lain terhadap nasib rakyat Palestin di Gaza. Angka kematian harian yang semakin meningkat amat mebimbangkan. Kami merasakan simpati yang amat mendalam dengan nasib dan kedukaan warga awam Palestin yang telah kehilangan orang-orang yang tersayang, sepertimana kita juga merasakan simpati yang amat mendalam bagi ahli keluarga warga Israel yang terbunuh dalam serangan 7 Oktober walaupun korban pihak Palestin kini berlipat ganda. Kami menyampaikan ucapan takziah yang sedalam-dalamnya kepada keluarga setiap warga awam yang terbunuh dan cedera di Gaza.
[Translation: Like many Singaporeans, I am deeply troubled by the loss of civilian lives on all sides and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza. Starting with the shocking attack that took the lives of 1,400 ordinary Israelis, now on a daily basis, we see images of devastation and despair; of the innocent lives lost, including more than 3,700 Palestinian children in Gaza. It is heartbreaking to think about the plight of children who have lost their parents and become orphans. Understandably, our Muslim community particularly, feels anxious, restless, sad and even angry. How could such atrocities take place? This humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinian people is a heartbreaking tragedy. The government understands the emotions felt and expressed by our Muslim community and other Singaporeans towards the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. The daily rising death toll is of grave concern. The Government deeply sympathises with the plight and the grief of Palestinian civilians who have lost their loved ones, just as we feel deep sympathy for the grieving families of Israelis killed in the 7 October attacks, although the death toll in Palestine has increased multifold. We convey our deepest condolences to the families of all civilians killed and wounded in Gaza.]
3 Saya ajak kita memahami krisis yang ada sekarang ini dalam konteks sejarah. Persengketaan dan pertelingkahan ini sudah lama berlaku dan sangat rumit. Seperti frasa Inggeris “There is always a previous wrong” yang bermaksud: Akan sentiasa ada kesilapan yang sebelumnya akan menjadi punca sengketa. Contohnya, serangan pengganas, yang dilakukan Hamas pada 7 Oktober lalu, yang membunuh ramai warga awam Israel. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa serangan ini wajar akibat rasa tidak puashati bersejarah rakyat Palestin, serta layanan yang mereka terima daripada Israel, tak kira siapa yang memerintah Israel. Tetapi tiada apa yang boleh membolehkan tindakan ganas yang dilakukan Hamas. Justru pemerintah Singapura mengutuk keras tindakan ganas Hamas. Sekarang kami menggesa pembebasan tanpa syarat, yang selamat dan segera bagi kesemua warga awam yang telah dijadikan tebusan di Gaza. Israel mempunyai hak yang sah dalam rangka undang-undang antarabangsa untuk mempertahankan rakyat dan wilayah daripada serangan bersenjata dan tindakan keganasan, Seperti juga Singapura. Tetapi ia perlu berbuat demikian mengikut undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa. Kita tidak boleh membenarkan keganasan sedemikian dilakukan terhadap sesiapa ataupun di mana sahaja, lebih-lebih lagi di negara kita.
[Translation: However, we need to also understand the present crisis in the context of history. The fight goes back a long way. There is always a previous wrong. In this case, Hamas’ terrorist attacks on 7 October, which massacred many Israeli civilians. Some have said that the attacks are justified because of the historical grievances of the Palestinians and the treatment they suffered at different times from different governments of Israel, but nothing can justify what Hamas did on 7 October. Therefore, the Government has strongly condemned Hamas’ acts of terror and called for the unconditional, safe and immediate release of all civilians held hostage in Gaza. Israel has the legitimate right to defend its citizens and territory from armed attacks and acts of terror, just like Singapore. But it has to do so in accordance with international humanitarian law. These are the same acts of terror we cannot allow on anyone and more so on our shores.]
4 Tuan, saya telah beberapa kali ke Ramallah. Saya telah bertemu ramai rakyat dan pemimpin Palestin, demi memahami kehidupan dan aspirasi mereka. Tuan Speaker, kita turut bersimpati dengan rakyat Palestin, kita sedar akan perjuangan mereka dan kita mahu agar mereka dapat hidup dengan aman. Sudah sekian lama mereka tidak dapat hidup dalam keamanan dan kedamaian – kedamaian dan keamaan yang sama dan yang sangat kita hargai di Singapura. Singapura mempercayai dan mematuhi peraturan perundangan atau “the rule of law”. Kedamaian berpanjangan yang diidamkan Palestin juga perlu menjalani proses perundangan. Menteri Vivian telah berkongsi rekod undi kita di Persatuan Bangsa-bansa Bersatu (PBB) mengenai isu Palestin dari seawal 1967 apabila Israel menguasai wilayah Palestin. Baru-baru ini, di Sesi Khas Darurat Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNGA) ke-10 yang disambung semula pada 27 Oktober, Singapura menyokong undi buat resolusi UNGA yang menuntut supaya semua pihak mematuhi kewajipan mereka di bawah undang-undang antarabangsa, termasuk undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa, dan untuk membolehkan akses kemanusiaan yang segera dan berterusan bagi bekalan dan perkhidmatan penting untuk disampaikan kepada semua awam yang memerlukan di Gaza. Resolusi ini juga menggesa gencatan senjata kemanusiaan yang segera, kekal lama dan berterusan, yang akan membawa kepada berakhirnya permusuhan.
[Translation:Sir, I have been to Ramallah several times. I have spoken to many Palestinians and their leaders there. Sir, we feel for the Palestinian people, we know their struggles and we wish that they can live peacefully like we do. They have not been able to live in peace – the same one Singaporeans cherish – for a very long time. Singapore believes in and complies with the rule of law. That peace too has a process of law, which gives Palestinians lasting and binding peace. Minister Vivian shared our voting records in the UN on the Palestinian issue from as early as 1967 when Israel occupied Palestine. And most recently, at the resumed 10th UN General Assembly (UNGA) Emergency Special Session on 27 October, Singapore voted for a UNGA resolution which demanded that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, and to enable immediate and sustained humanitarian access for essential supplies and services to reach all civilians in need in Gaza. The resolution also calls for an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce, leading to the cessation of hostilities.]
5 Ada anggota dewan telah bertanya tentang respons Singapura terhadap bantuan kemanusian kepada Gaza. Pemerintah Singapura telah menyumbang S$300,000 sebagai modal awal kepada Palang Merah Singapura (SRC). Ini merupakan sumbangan terbesar yang pernah Pemerintah hulurkan demi menyokong usaha-usaha kemanusiaan dan bantuan di Gaza. Kami akan terus mempertimbangkan untuk menghulurkan lebih banyak bantuan bila timbulnya keperluan-keperluan baru.
[Translation: Some Members have asked about the humanitarian aid to Gaza and Singaporeans’ response. The Government has also contributed S$300,000 as seed capital to the Singapore Red Cross (SRC). This is the single largest contribution that we have made to support humanitarian and relief efforts in Gaza. We will consider giving more as the need arises.]
6 Pada keseluruhannya, rakyat Singapura telah berhati-hati untuk tidak membiarkan apa yang berlaku di luar negara menjejaskan keharmonian sosial kita di sini, biarpun kita turut merasa terkesan dengan mereka yang terjejas di Gaza. Kami menghargai kedua-dua masyarakat Islam dan Yahudi di sini yang telah bertindak tenang dan mengawal perasaan. Pemimpin-pemimpin agama seperti Mufti dan Ketua Rabbi telah meluahkan simpati, memberi keyakinan dan menyokong antara satu sama lain. Ini mencerminkan bahawa satu model saling-wujud bersama tidak mustahil, dan sebagai satu Masyarakat, kita mesti menggembleng segala usaha yang ada untuk memelihara keharmonian sosial yang telah kita bina di Singapura. Melihat pada model alternatif di Timur Tengah hari ini, kita tidak boleh mengambil sikap sambil lewa apa yang telah kita kecapi hari ini dan kita perlu terus bekerja keras untuk memeliharanya.
[Translation: Singaporeans have largely been careful to not let what is happening overseas affect our social harmony at home, even though our heart goes out to those affected in Gaza. We appreciate both the Muslim and Jewish communities here acting with calm and exercising restraint, with leaders like the Mufti and Chief Rabbi providing reassurances and support to each other. This reflects well on our model of co-existence, and that we must do all we can to preserve the social harmony that we have built here. Seeing the alternative model in the Middle East today, we cannot take what we have for granted and must continue to work hard to preserve it.]
7 Saya amat berbesar hati melihat bagaimana rakyat Singapura sebulat hati menyumbang dengan murah hati kepada usaha-usaha bantuan kemanusiaan dalam pelbagai cara. Sebagai contoh, rayuan pengumpulan dana Yayasan Rahmatan Lil Alamin (RLAF), yang akan ditujukan kepada Agensi Bantuan dan Kerja Menyelamat Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk Pelarian Palestin di Timur Dekat (UNRWA), telah mengumpulkan lebih S$ 4.6 juta, manakala kempen pengumpulan dana SRC juga telah mengumpulkan lebih S$ 350,000 sumbangan warga awam. Sejauh ini, kita terharu melihat derma yang diterima yang amat memberangsangkan. Tetapi lebih penting lagi, kita melihat semangat perpaduan rakyat Singapura yang utuh. Banyak kumpulan masyarakat dan antara-agama berganding bahu menyumbang kepada bantuan kemanusiaan RLAF dan untuk Gaza. Tuan Speaker, izinkan saya meminta para kerani mengedarkan senarai beberapa bantuan kemanusiaan pemerintah yang lalu kepada orang awam yang terjejas di wilayah-wilayah Palestin. Para anggota dewan juga boleh mengakses khidmat itu melalui aplikasi MP@SGPARL App.
[Translation: I am heartened to see that Singaporeans readily stepped forward to contribute generously to the humanitarian relief efforts in various ways. For example, Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation’s (RLAF) fundraising appeal, which will be directed to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), has raised over S$4.6 million while the SRC’s fundraising campaign has also raised over S$350,000 from the public. The generous donations received thus far have been heartening, but more importantly, we see Singaporeans’ strong spirit of solidarity. Many different community and interfaith groups came together to contribute to RLAF’s humanitarian aid for Gaza. With your permission, Mr Speaker, may I ask the Clerks to distribute a list of some of our past humanitarian assistance to affected civilians in the Palestinian Territories. Members may also access the handout through the MP@SGPARL App.]
8 Tuan Speaker, saya akan berangkat ke Timur Tengah pada malam ini dan akan ke Mesir untuk menyaksikan penyerahan bantuan kemanusiaan daripada SRC kepada Persatuan Sabit Merah Mesir (ERC), dan serta sumbangan RLAF kepada UNRWA untuk Gaza. Saya akan menerima taklimat daripada pertubuhan-pertubuhan kemanusiaan ini mengenai situasi kemanusiaan terkini di Gaza. Saya juga akan mengambil kesempatan untuk bertemu dan berbincang dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Mesir mengenai peluang kerjasama kita untuk membantu mangsa-mangsa Gaza.
[Translation: I will be departing tonight for the Middle East and will be travelling to Egypt to witness the handover of aid from the SRC to the Egyptian Red Crescent Society for Gaza, as well as the RLAF’s contribution to UNRWA. I will also receive a briefing from them on the latest humanitarian situation in Gaza. I will also seize the opportunity to meet Egyptian leaders to discuss collaboration on supporting the victims in Gaza.]
9 Beberapa anggota dewan juga telah bertanya tentang hubungan Singapura dengan Palestinian Authority (PA) atau Penguasa Palestin. Hubungan kita dengan PA adalah kukuh. Mereka telah mengiktiraf hak Israel untuk wujud dan berusaha kearah resolusi dua-negara yang telah kami sokong dan kami undi di peringkat UN. Kami telah mendapatkan keterlibatan kepimpinan PA di peringkat tertinggi. Sejak awal 2022 lagi, saya bersama SM Teo Chee Hean dan Menteri Vivian telah mengunjungi Ramallah. PM Lee juga telah mengunjungi Ramallah pada tahun 2016 dan menjadi tuan rumah kepada Perdana Menteri Palestin Dr Mohammad Shtayyeh di Singapura pada Oktober 2022. Kami telah dan akan terus menyokong usaha pembangunan keupayaan PA menerusi Pakej Bantuan Teknikal yang Dipertingkat (ETAP) yang bernilai $10 juta. Izinkan saya memberi jaminan kepada Dewan bahawa konflik yang berlaku sekarang ini tidak akan menjejas komitmen Singapura terhadap bantuan kepada rakyat Palestin menerusi ETAP. Kami mengalu-alukan para pegawai PA membuat lawatan sambil belajar ke Singapura dan menyertai kursus-kursus di bawah Program Kerjasama Singapura (SCP). Kami juga berharap lebih ramai pegawai PA akan menerima biasiswa yang ada untuk melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat ijazah lanjutan di universiti di Singapura. Pejabat Perwakilan Singapura (SRO) di Ramallah terus beroperasi dan akan menyokong ETAP.
[Translation: Some Members have also asked about Singapore’s relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA). Our relations with the PA are strong. They have recognised the right of Israel to exist and pursue the two-state solution that we have voted for. We have engaged the PA leadership at the highest level. Since early 2022, SM Teo Chee Hean, Minister Vivian and I have visited Ramallah. PM also visited Ramallah in 2016, and more recently, hosted Palestinian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Shtayyeh in Singapore in October 2022. We have, and will continue to, support the PA’s capacity-building efforts through the S$10 million Enhanced Technical Assistance Package (ETAP). Let me assure the House that the current conflict will not affect Singapore’s commitment to supporting the Palestinian people through the ETAP. We welcome PA officials to make study visits to Singapore and participate in courses under the Singapore Cooperation Programme. We also hope for more PA officials to take up the available scholarships to pursue their postgraduate studies at Singapore’s universities. The Singapore Representative Office in Ramallah continues to operate and will support ETAP.]
10 Tuan, Singapura telah mengambil posisi yang konsisten dan berprinsip. Singapura percaya bahawa huraian dua-negara yang dirundingkan, selaras dengan resolusi UNSC yang relevan, kekal sebagai satu-satunya cara yang berdaya maju untuk Israel dan Palestin hidup bersampingan dalam keadaan aman dan selamat. Sesunggunya, untuk mencapai kedamaian yang berpanjangan, kedua-dua Israel dan Palestin perlu komited kepada huraian dua-negara ini. Untuk itu menjadi huraian ini realiti, kedua-dua Israel dan Palestin perlu mempunyai keazaman politik untuk membuat kompromi yang diperlukan bagi menyelesaikan konflik yang mereka hadapi selama ini. Rakyat masing-masing akan memilih pemimpin negara mereka, dan kemudian, keputusan dalam tangan pemimpin yang mereka pilih, untuk memastikan dan mewujudkan kedamaian jangka panjang. Ini bukan dan tidak boleh datang dari tekanan perang media sosial. Dan bukan juga pula tekanan dari negara yang lain. Dan tentunya bukan dari keganasan biar pun ia adalah untuk menuntut balas dendam atas keganasan – itu bukanlah huraiannya. Ini hanya akan membatukan dan mengeraskan hati generasi seterusnya justru merumitkan lagi usaha mencapai sebarang huraian. Meskipun sukar, memandangkan konflik di Gaza sekarang ini, kami terus berharap bahawa pada masa yang akan datang, kedua-dua pihak akan menyertai rundingan langsung atas dasar huraian dua-negara. Kitaran keganasan yang berterusan mesti diputuskan. Sebagai rakan kepada kedua-dua Israel dan Palestin, Singapura secara ikhlas berharap agar keamanan akhirnya akan wujud.
[Translation: Sir, Singapore has taken a consistent and principled position. Singapore believes that a negotiated two-state solution, consistent with the relevant UNSC resolutions, remains the only viable way for Israel and Palestinians to live side-by-side in peace and security. Ultimately, true peace and reconciliation can only occur when both Israel and the Palestinian people commit to a two-state solution. For that to happen, both Israel and the Palestinians need the political will to make the compromises necessary to resolve the conflict. The people will decide on their leaders, who in turn will decide if and when they can ensure peace will prevail. It is not pressure from the social media war. Nor is it pressure from any country. Least so by violence, even when it is to avenge violence – that can never be the answer. It will only harden hearts for another generation and make any resolution even more difficult. Difficult as it may be given the current conflict in Gaza, we hope that there will be a time in the future for both sides to enter direct negotiations on the basis of two-states. The perpetual cycle of violence must be broken. As a friend to both Israel and the Palestinians, it is Singapore’s sincere hope that peace will ultimately prevail.]
Mr Speaker, please allow me to continue my speech in English.
11 Some Members have asked about the impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Singapore society and the efforts taken to strengthen our religious harmony, including in our educational institutions. As mentioned in my Malay speech earlier, we recognise that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an emotive one for Singaporeans and there may be different viewpoints. Regardless, the peace and harmony that we enjoy in Singapore is precious and many in the House have spoken about this. We have worked hard over the years to build up trust across our different communities at different levels. We all have a duty of care to protect and grow it.
12 At the leadership level, we have multiple platforms for community leaders to engage with one another frequently and at different settings, such as the National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony, as well as the Racial and Religious Harmony Circles in every constituency.
13 At the people-to-people level, MCCY provides support for inter-faith and inter-ethnic dialogues and other initiatives that bring together different communities to respectfully discuss sensitive issues of race and religion. For example, ‘Ask Me Anything’, a series of dialogues that educates the public about different faiths in Singapore and seeks to develop inter-faith norms and practices. OnePeople.SG organises Community Dialogues in collaboration with community groups that engage a broad spectrum of participants in robust yet respectful conversations on sensitive issues of race and religion, and on the social norms and aspirations of the different communities.
14 Within the Muslim community, religious leaders and asatizah play an important role to guide and support the community during this difficult period. They have amplified the value of Rahmah (‘blessings’) and called upon the community to embrace compassion, blessings and love for all. This is in line with the principles and values of Islam as “Blessings for All”. The Mufti engaged the youth at a MuslimSG event on 14 October and provided guidance on how, as Muslims, we should respond and deal with our feelings of grief and anger, which must be guided by the teachings of Islam and being a blessing to all. MUIS has also produced a series of Friday sermons that speaks on the need to preserve peace and compassion, and the sanctity of human lives, regardless of one’s religion and background.
15 Our asatizah also bring the community together to pray for peace and the cessation of violence, not only in Gaza, but elsewhere. The special prayer (‘Hajat Prayer’), conducted at more than 50 mosques, has attracted over 50,000 congregants. These special prayers not only provide solace for the community to respond to the situation but empower them to pray for peace. Sir, our community responded with maturity, as we understand the value of unity amidst this trying period for all. We must continue to protect ourselves from being influenced by the barrage of information, misinformation and disinformation that enters our social media platforms as feeds. We have heard calls to boycott F&B establishments. We should not conflate the actions of governments with the operations of business and economics.
16 Mr Speaker, our educational institutions are common spaces for students to learn and interact with one another in a safe and respectful manner. Even as we engage students in understanding global issues, such as the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, we will continue to emphasise Singapore’s multicultural context and the importance of preserving our precious racial and religious harmony.
17 Civic literacy, critical thinking, information and media literacy skills have always been emphasised in our national curriculum. With the proliferation of information and diverse views across all forms of media, our schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) will continue to equip students with the skills necessary to discern fake news and misinformation and build their instincts to read from credible sources and in context.
18 For students who are trying to understand the ongoing conflict and navigate the multiple perspectives, or wish to express their views, schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) provide a safe environment for them to engage in civil, respectful and balanced discourse, and allow different opinions to be voiced and discussed objectively, even while they engage in robust and rigorous debate. Students are reminded to be respectful and constructive during these discussions.
19 Mr Speaker, we are a diverse people. Some may have personal connections to the developing situation in the Middle East. Some feel strongly about it, understandably. We ought to be mindful and take an extra effort to be respectful, to be sensitive and kind and appreciate their feelings and experiences. However, let us not let different perspectives hurt our relationships and unity in Singapore.
20 I am proud of how Singaporeans are responding to this situation. It shows a recognition that we should not let external developments divide Singaporeans. Instead, we can channel our energies constructively, to provide practical assistance at the same time appreciating that social harmony in Singapore is hard-earned, and that while it may be tested from time to time, we will always come through and stay together as Singaporeans.
21 Let us continue to work together to build up the bonds of trust and harmony in Singapore.
Mr Speaker,
22 In line with Singapore’s condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and our principled support of international law as well as the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, I support the motion raised by MPs Mr Vikram Nair, Mr Alex Yam and Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim. Thank you.
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