Transcript of Minister's remarks at reception hosted by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, 30 November 2023

01 December 2023

Your Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco,

Jacky Deromedi (President of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Asia), Jean-Marc Deromedi (Honorary Consul of Monaco in Singapore) – stalwart supporters of your Foundation in Asia and Singapore,

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure, an honour, and a privilege for me to welcome His Serene Highness back to Singapore. I have lost count of the number of times he has been here. I just wanted to make the point that he is always welcome in Singapore, and I am sure you all agree this is his second home.

It is also worth recalling that His Serene Highness has been an advocate and champion of sustainability, education, research, and of protecting our oceans and biodiversity. You did this work way before it became fashionable, before leaders and royalty in other parts of the world decided that it would look good on the CVs. You have done this consistently for a long time. I know you believe in it, and we are grateful for your patronage on this front.

The third point is, today is also special as this is the first time that the Foundation is making a direct contribution, together with Temasek Foundation and the Science Centre Singapore, focusing particularly on young people. The reason why this is important is because youth have a bigger stake in the future and in sustainability than all the rest of us. It is important that we are working with young people. We encourage you to take a practical and scientific approach to making sustainability a practical reality.

My final point, Your Serene Highness – the last time we met (in June) this year was where we were about to adopt the Treaty for BBNJ (Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction). My recollection is that you were the only Head of State who showed up at that meeting to push us across the finish line. Again, that goes to show your ardent belief and why we are such fans of your leadership.

Finally, Monaco and Singapore are both tiny states. It is one of the few times I get to say that Singapore is slightly larger than another state. But if you think about the impact of His Serene Highness and of Monaco, it goes beyond the Mediterranean, to both the North and South Poles, and now your work in Asia, the Pacific, and in the Atlantic. Your footprint goes far beyond the geographic boundaries of your state.

Your Serene Highness, I thank you, I welcome you back, and look forward to many decades of collaboration between Monaco and Singapore in this very vital expedition and adventure for the future. Thank you.

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