Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan’s Oral Replies to Parliamentary Questions and Supplementary Question on the Diplomatic Bag, 10 January 2024

10 January 2024

Parliamentary Question:


Mr Alex Yam Ziming: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs (a) how often are checks conducted to ensure that diplomatic bags are utilised for their intended purposes; (b) how many instances of egregious use have been detected in the past five years; and (c) what measures, if required, will be introduced to ensure that diplomatic privileges are not abused.


Mr Vikram Nair: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs (a) what are the Ministry’s internal guidelines on the use of diplomatic bags; (b) whether there are any previous cases of diplomatic bags being used for personal rather than official matters; and (c) whether the Ministry is taking any steps.




1 Mr Speaker, the diplomatic bag is used for the conveyance of official documents. Limited quantities of personal items are allowed to enable our staff to fulfil their overseas duties effectively. So for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some limited medical supplies were also sent to our staff.  


2 There has been no instance of questionable use of the diplomatic bag in the past five years, except for a case that is presently before the courts.


3 We have a system and guidelines in place for the proper use of the diplomatic bag, and we will review our processes periodically.




Mr Vikram Nair: Just one Supplementary Question for the Minister. Are spot-checks carried out on the diplomatic bags now and then just to make sure that it is not used for personal items?




1 Sorry Mr Speaker, I should have clarified that I am also answering Question 5.


2 In response to your Supplementary Question, I will in fact go a little bit beyond that. The staff have to declare the items which are going in the diplomatic bag. The items must not contravene any import or export restrictions imposed either by Singapore or by the receiving state. And like all other baggage that goes on board planes, they are also subject to X-ray surveillance and of course any other checks that are legally permissible under diplomatic practice.


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