Working Visit of Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21 to 22 February 2024

19 February 2024

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman, will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for a working visit from 21 to 22 February 2024, to attend the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. As in previous years, Singapore has been invited by the G20 Presidency as Convenor of the Global Governance Group, which comprises 30 small- and medium-sized members of the United Nations (UN) and which seeks to facilitate greater engagement between the G20 and the wider UN membership.


Amid heightened geopolitical and economic uncertainty, the Foreign Ministers will discuss the G20’s role in dealing with ongoing international tensions and the importance of global governance reform.


Minister Maliki will have bilateral meetings with his counterparts on the sidelines of the G20 meeting.  He will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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19 FEBRUARY 2024

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