Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's Participation in the Artificial Intelligence Seoul Summit, 21 May 2024

21 May 2024

          Prime Minister (PM) Lawrence Wong will participate in the virtual Leaders’ session of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seoul Summit on 21 May 2024, at the invitation of Republic of Korea (ROK) President Yoon Suk-yeol and British PM Rishi Sunak.

          The AI Seoul Summit, co-organised by the ROK and the United Kingdom (UK), is being held from 21 to 22 May 2024 in Seoul, ROK. A continuation of the UK’s AI Safety Summit (Bletchley Summit) last November, the Seoul Summit builds upon the Bletchley Summit’s commitment to AI safety. It also extends the scope to cover other aspects of the global AI governance framework, focussing on three critical priorities – Safety, Innovation, and Inclusivity.

          Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information and Ministry for Health, Dr Janil Puthucheary, is currently in Seoul representing Singapore in person at the AISS and AI Global Forum.


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21 MAY 2024


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