Mayor, South East District, Mohd Fahmi bin Aliman visited Banda Aceh, Indonesia from 22 to 24 December 2024. On 23 December 2024, Mayor Fahmi attended an international seminar hosted by the Acting Governor of Aceh Safrizal Zakaria Ali and the State Islamic University Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (UIN AR) commemorating two decades since the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami. During the event, Mayor Fahmi accepted the Ar-Raniry award on behalf of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
The Ar-Raniry award recognises Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s and Singapore’s contributions to the relief efforts in the aftermath of the 2004 earthquake and tsunami. Mayor Fahmi also delivered a keynote speech at the seminar, in which he highlighted the strong bonds between Singapore and Aceh and commended Aceh’s remarkable progress since the 2004 disaster. The transcript of the speech is at Annex.
While in Aceh, Mayor Fahmi was hosted to dinner by Wali Nanggroe Aceh Malik Mahmud al-Haytar and had a meeting with the Acting Mayor of Banda Aceh Almuniza Kamal. Mayor Fahmi also visited the University Syiah Kuala. In his meetings, Mayor Fahmi reiterated Singapore’s commitment to building new areas of cooperation with Aceh, including in education and sustainable development.
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24 DECEMBER 2024
Mayor Fahmi’s Speech for Ar-Raniry Award Acceptance
23 December 2024, 0900 HOURS, UIN AR
1 Excellencies, distinguished guests, and friends. It is with deep gratitude and humility that I join you today to accept the prestigious Ar-Raniry award on behalf of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. This recognition is a testament to the enduring spirit of cooperation between Singapore and Aceh. These bonds continue to be sustained by our geographical, historical and cultural ties. Allow me to continue in Bahasa.
2 In three days, we will mark the 20th anniversary of the Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami. This was an unprecedented disaster that remains the single worst tsunami in history. As everyone in this room knows too well, this disaster inflicted unimaginable devastation, and created an unprecedented humanitarian emergency. Aceh bore the brunt of the damage.
3 As a close neighbour and friend, Singapore knew we had to move quickly to offer assistance. In response to this catastrophe, Singapore activated “Operation Flying Eagle”, deploying over 1,500 personnel from the Singapore Armed Forces and Singapore Civil Defence Force to provide immediate relief. Much of this relief focused on Meulaboh, which had been badly hit and cut off from support.
4 In Meulaboh, the first order of business was to set up essential infrastructure such as landing points for helicopters and a mobile air traffic control tower to help facilitate the delivery of critical supplies – food, medical aid and shelter – to those who were in dire need. Singaporeans and Achenese worked side by side in challenging conditions to deliver this crucial aid to affected communities. When all was said and done, together, we had transported over 240,000 kilograms of supplies, and our medical teams had treated thousands of patients.
5 I had the privilege to be a part of the EU-led Aceh Monitoring Mission in 2005. This has come to be regarded as one of the more effective international peacekeeping operations. During my deployment, I was able to witness firsthand how peace in Aceh was forged through both sides’ willingness to lay down their weapons and get to work improving Aceh and Indonesia as a whole.
6 In the years since, Aceh has made great strides. In 2005, then-Prime Minister Lee visited Banda Aceh and Meulaboh to personally convey Singapore’s condolences and survey the damage. He said that he was “overwhelmed by the endless and total devastation”. There is a Malay saying, “kawan ketawa senang dicari, kawan menangis sukar ditemui” (friends who laugh with you are easy to find; friends who cry with you are hard to come by). In the aftermath of the tsunami, Singapore mourned with Aceh and with Indonesia, and we did what we could, together with the international community, to help and support Aceh’s recovery. What was most inspiring was the resilience and the courage of the Acehnese people, and their determination to rebuild. SM Lee recalled that “amidst the pain, fear and despair, [he] also saw the resilience of the human spirit”.
7 I have had the privilege of visiting on numerous occasions and was just here last year, with Second Minister for Education and Foreign Affairs Dr Maliki Osman. Aceh today is a safe and peaceful region blessed with abundant natural resources, stunning landscapes and a rich cultural heritage. As we look towards the future, Aceh has incredible potential to become a hub for key industries essential for sustainable development, as well as service industries such as eco-tourism. Aceh will also benefit from national policies to strengthen human capital development.
8 Singapore looks forward to continuing our partnership with Aceh as it embarks on its next chapter. We have sustained our relationship well over the years. Just last year, Rectors from Aceh’s Institutes of Higher Learning visited Singapore to discuss potential education collaboration. We can both benefit from more of such exchanges, which help to broaden our perspectives and improve our practices.
9 Aceh is poised to make great strides in the coming years, but this will not be an easy journey. Realising Aceh’s tremendous potential will require sincere and hard work by all parties. Singapore is committed to working with Aceh and the Indonesian government, as neighbours and as friends to support Aceh’s growth and the wider prosperity and stability of our region.
10 Before I end, I want to share a Pantun I wrote with you about Geylang Serai and the friendship between Aceh and Singapore:
Di Geylang Serai malam berseri
Lampu bercahaya terang gemilang
Sahabat sejati senantiasa di hati
Hilang di mata tapi di hati [1]
Terima kasih.
[1] English translation of Mayor’s pantun:
In Geylang Serai, the night shines bright,
Lights sparkle magnificently,
True friends forever in my heart,
Out of sight, but never out of mind.