Reception hosted by Ambassador A Selverajah to introduce Mr Murat Özyeğin, Honorary Consul-General of Singapore for Istanbul and Izmir, Izmir, 26 October 2017

26 Nov 2017

Ambassador A Selverajah delivers the opening remarks

Ambassador A Selverajah delivers the opening remarks

Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin delivering his remarks

Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin delivering his remarks

Guests at the Reception

Guests at the Reception

Ambassador A Selverajah and Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin

Ambassador A Selverajah and Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin

Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin speaking with guests at the reception

Honorary Consul-General Murat Özyeğin speaking with guests at the reception

Ambassador A Selverajah with members of the Aegean Women’s Business Association and staff of the Singapore Embassy

Ambassador A Selverajah with members of the Aegean Women’s Business Association and staff of the Singapore Embassy

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