If you wish to study full-time in Singapore, you will require a Student's Pass.  You are advised to liaise directly with your school/ education institution of interest. All Student's Pass applications are to be submitted to ICA online through https://www.ica.gov.sg/reside/STP/apply. Your school/ institution will provide you with a Registration Acknowledgement Letter containing a Student’s Pass application number, for you to complete your Student’s Pass application online.


PRC citizens who are above 19 years old and wish to attend a language, commercial, vocational or fine arts non-graduate/ postgraduate degree course (including the University of London (UOL) tuition programmes) at an EduTrust Private Education Institution (PEI), may be required to attend an interview at the Embassy.


Interview at the Singapore Embassy in Beijing


The PEI in Singapore will be notified through an email of the interview schedule within one month after the application is submitted. Applicants should therefore contact the PEI for the interview date. The PEI will be informed of the application outcome approximately 2 months after the interview. 


Documents Required for the Interview


Applicants attending a Student’s Pass interview at the Embassy are required to bring along the following documents:


  1. The original, a translated and legalised copy, and a photocopy of the legalised copy of the applicant’s:
    • Birth certificate;
    • Highest educational certificate;
    • Highest educational academic results;
    • Financial/ bank statements;
  1. Overseas study plan (duly signed and dated) of the applicant;
  2. The original and a photocopy of the applicant’s, parents’ and spouse’s:
    • PRC identity card;
    • Household register;
    • Employment statements & letter from their respective employers (if applicable);
    • Monthly salary records from the 3 months before the interview;
    • Business registration certificates (if self-employed);
  1. Applicant’s original passport and a photocopy of the passport bio-data page;
  2. If the applicant's parent(s)/step-parent/spouse is a Singapore citizen or a Singapore permanent resident, the applicant must also furnish the original and a translated and legalised copy, and a photocopy of:
  • the parent’s/step parent's/applicant’s own marriage certificate

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