07 Jul 2020


The Singapore Embassy in Beijing has been designated as an Overseas Polling Station on Friday, 10 July 2020 from 8.00am to 8.00pm for the Singapore General Election 2020. The Embassy will be closed apart from polling activities and will not be processing any other functions.


Only overseas electors registered to vote at the Singapore Embassy in Beijing will be permitted to enter the premises to cast their votes. Hardcopy poll letters have been sent to registered overseas electors along with administrative instructions relating to procedures at the polling station and on COVID-19 precautions. Those who provided their email addresses to the Elections Department (ELD) would also have received their email poll letters. Alternatively, overseas electors can access ELD’s Voter Services at using SingPass to self-generate the ePoll letter.


Overseas electors should bring their poll letter and original NRIC/passport to the Embassy. Please come early to vote and avoid the peak periods during lunch hour and after 6.00pm. You are reminded to abide by prevailing local laws and regulations, including movement restrictions due to COVID-19. Those who are unwell or have a temperature of 37.5 deg C and above are advised to exercise social responsibility and not undertake travel to the Embassy. In line with local guidelines, all persons must show a green Health Kit code and undergo temperature checks prior to entering the compound. You are also required to wear a mask and complete a health declaration form before entry.


For further queries, please contact the Embassy at +86-10 6532 1115 or


Singapore Embassy in Beijing

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