Welcome to our Embassy’s website!
We have revamped the website to provide more timely and relevant information to users. Advice on travel to Germany can now be accessed more conveniently in our “Country Travel Page”. The embassy’s contact details are also listed more clearly for Singaporeans seeking urgent consular assistance. For companies in Germany seeking to participate in the Embassy’s procurement opportunities, information about the tender invitations can now be located more easily. German users can also choose to view the website in Deutsch.
Not only does the website carry a more professional and refreshed look, I hope you will find it to be more user friendly. We are constantly improving the embassy’s public communication, and welcome any constructive feedback. At the same time, I invite you to stay connected with the embassy through our Facebook page and Twitter, where interesting information about Singapore and announcements of various embassy events are regularly uploaded.
I hope you will find the website informative, and wish you pleasant surfing!
Laurence Bay
Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to the Federal Republic of Germany