Before you leave for Brazil

1        eRegister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at

2        Download MFA’s smartphone application “MFA@SG” (available for download at Google Play and Apple App Store) for the latest travel notices and other related information

3        Purchase comprehensive travel insurance, which includes medical evacuation

4        Ensure that your passport has at least 6 months validity upon your arrival in Brazil


5        Up to 30-day visa free entry into Brazil

          Singapore Ordinary Passport Holders can visit Brazil for up to 30 days without a visa. The number of days granted is at the discretion of the Brazilian Authorities at the point of entry into Brazil. Should you need to stay for more than the number of days granted, you are required to apply for an extension at the nearest Federal Police Office before the expiration of the visa-free period granted at your point of arrival.


6        Confirm all your domestic flights and accommodations

          Brazil is a big country and travel distances and times between cities and stadiums can be significant. Domestic flights and accommodations are limited.


7        Obtain Yellow Fever Vaccination

Yellow fever is endemic in certain areas of Brazil. Although proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination is not required for entry into Brazil, a valid Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate is required for re-entry into Singapore. Other vaccinations recommended include typhoid, Hepatitis A and B. You can check with Travellers’ Health and Vaccination Clinic at Tan Tock Seng Hospital ( for more information on the vaccinations required for travel to Brazil. 


8        Keep a photocopy of your passport biodata page, tickets, visas, personal credit cards, travellers cheques, if any

Keep one copy with you in a separate place to the original and leave another copy with someone at home in Singapore. These copies can help expedite your claims and reports in case of loss of the originals.


9        Provide a copy of your itinerary and contact details to your friends and family

So that they can keep in touch with you and can assist to alert you in case of an emergency. 


10      Ensure access to your money while overseas

You should organize a variety of ways to access your money overseas, such as credit cards, travellers’ cheques, cash or debit cards as Singapore currency is not accepted in Brazil. You should consult your Singapore bank to find out whether your ATM card will work in Brazil. You can also check with your Singapore bank if they have an affiliated bank in Brazil.


Note: Ensure that your credit cards have been activated for use overseas and especially in Brazil.



11      For more information about travelling to Brazil, please visit the following websites:




While in Brazil…


1                   Security and Safety Tips in Brazil

Exercise a high degree of caution in Brazil because of the high incidence of crime including theft, armed robbery, kidnapping (especially flash kidnappings), carjacking, and sexual assault. Visitors to Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Recife, Salvador and other large cities should be always alert to their surroundings. Violence in crime, often involving firearms or other weapons, can occur. Tourists are often targeted by criminals and crime syndicates are known to operate in airports targeting unsuspecting tourists upon arrival. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing as well as theft of hand carry bags are common in public areas of the airports. Keep an eye on your luggage, handbags and other personal belongings at all times. As tourists can be targeted for their perceived wealth, avoid wearing expensive jewellery, watches and designer-label apparel or carrying conspicuous luxury products such as expensive bags and electronic gadgets. Dress down and carry minimal cash and credit cards.


As large scale protests/demonstrations could occur, Singaporeans are advised to avoid protest sites and their vicinity and monitor the media for information on potential safety and security risks.


2                   Banking Services

Cash in local currency can be obtained at certain banks using your Singapore bank card, including the HSBC ATM, Citibank ATM. ATMs with Cirrus, Plus and Maestro are common.


3                   Visa Extension

The period of stay granted is at the discretion of the Brazilian Authorities at the point of entry into Brazil and can be for any number of days up to 30 days. If you need to stay in Brazil beyond the duration permitted, you need to apply for an extension at the nearest Federal Police Office ( The request for extension of stay in Brazil must be done before the expiration of the number of days granted at the point of entry.






What to do if…


4                   … I lose my passport


a.           Report the loss of your passport at the nearest police station; and, if possible, obtain a right and left thumbprint at the police station;


b.           Contact the Singapore Embassy in Brasilia to apply for a temporary travel document known as “Document of Identity (DOI)” to facilitate your return to Singapore. The following are required for the DOI application:


i. Police Report of Loss of Passport;

ii. Left and right thumbprint for verification of your identity;

iii. Cash payment for DOI application.



5                   …I lose my money, credit card etc or need urgent consular assistance

Contact your banks to cancel the lost credit cards. Contact your family or friends in Singapore and advise them that they can remit money to you through Western Union. Once money is deposited at Western Union in Singapore, a reference number will be provided. You can then collect the money from the nearest Western Union office by presenting passport or Photo ID and quoting the reference number.


You, your family or friends can also contact the MFA for help or more advice at:


  • Singapore Embassy in Brasilia Duty Officer : +55 (61) 99584 9583
  • MFA Duty Office :  +65 6379 8800 / 8855 (24-hour hotline)




Singapore Embassy in Brasilia

(Embaixada da Republica de Singapura)

SHIS QL 24, Conjunto 03, Casa 11

Lago Sul-Brasilia-Distrito Federal, CEP 71665035

Federative Republic of Brazil

Office hours: Monday – Friday (0900 – 1800 hours)

Telephone: +55 61 2191 6565

Fax: +55 61 2191 6580

Duty Officer HP   (24 hrs):  +55 61 99584 9583


IE Singapore

Alameda Santos,

700 cj. 91

01418-022, Cerqueira Cesar, Sao Paulo-SP

Federative Republic of Brazil

Telephone: +55 11 3050 2121



Tourist Police


Sao Paulo Tourist Police

Telephone: (11) 3120 4447 / (11) 3151 4167


Rio de Janeiro Tourist Police

(Special Police Unit for Tourism Support)

Address: Av. Afranio de Melo Franco, 159 – Leblon

Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Delegado Mr. Fernando Vila Pouca

Telephone: (21) 2332-2924/2885/2889

Fax: (21) 2334 6902



Emergency Numbers

Police (Policia): 190

Ambulance (Ambulancia­): 192

Fire Department (Bombeiros): 193




Brazilian Customs Information –


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –


Travel Page

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