All valid marriages contracted/solemnised outside Singapore and registered in accordance with the law of the place in which the marriages were contracted/celebrated are recognised by our Government for all purposes of the Law of Singapore unless there are reasons to doubt the particular marriage was not validly contracted. In such cases, the Court of Law is the final arbiter as to whether the marriage is recognised by the Singapore Law. Please visit the Registrar of Marriages website for other details on marriages.


•             Where any party to the intended marriage is not a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, the law requires at least one party to be physically present in Singapore for a period for at least 31 days before the couple file notice of marriage with ROM. The 31 days (excluding the day of arrival in Singapore) have to be continuous but need not be immediately preceding the date of notice. 

•             Give ROM a notice period of at least 21 days or as early as 6 months prior to the intended marriage.

•             Couple must be at least 21 years of age

•             No lawful impediment to the marriage

•             Neither party is presently married to any other person. A person with a previous marriage has to ensure that the said marriage has been legally dissolved. Divorcees who remarry must make a Statutory Declaration on whether they have existing maintenance orders and whether they are prompt or in arrears with the maintenance payments.

Documents required:

a)            Original Passports of Groom and Bride

b)            Original Singapore NRIC (Singapore Citizen or PR) / Original Passport (Foreigner) of 2 witnesses above 21 years old

c)            Entry and Exit date stamps in passport(s) to show that at least one party has stayed in Singapore for at least 31 days before the filing of the notice of marriage

d)            Letter/Certificate of no impediment issued by the respective Embassies or relevant Government authorities to show that there is no impediment for the parties to marry under the laws of their respective home countries. The document must include the particulars of bride and groom (name, date of birth, nationality, religion, passport number). If the document is in a foreign language, we will require the document to be translated to English. The original document and the English translated copy must be authenticated by either:

(i)            The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your respective countries and further endorsed by the Singapore Consulate in that country; or

(ii)           Your respective countries’ Embassies in Singapore.

e)            Marriage Record Search, Single or Marital Status Letter from the relevant country that you have resided or currently residing to show that you did not contract any marriages while in the said country, other than your respective countries of origin. The documents must also be authenticated by the respective Government/Embassies. 

f)            Original/Certified true copy of Divorce/Annulment papers (if applicable) *

g)            For widow/widowers:

-          Original/Certified true copy of death certificate of late spouse *

-          Marriage certificate, if previous marriage was not registered in ROM *

* Documents which are in foreign languages (other than English, Mandarin, Tamil or Malay/Bahasa Indonesia) should be translated to English language by a Certified Translator (certified by the respective Embassy).


Registry of Marriages
7 Canning Rise
Singapore 179869
Tel: 1800-337-5339 (toll-free)
(65) 6339-8783
(65) 6338-7808
(65) 6338-9987

(65) 6339-3328


Alternatively, you could also visit ROM's website at



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