Re-Entry Permit

Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) must apply, renew or transfer their REP online at 3 months before the expiry date of their current REP. A SPR who remains outside Singapore without a valid REP will lose his/her PR status. The general processing time is one week (excluding day of submission). You may check the status and outcome of your application via ICA's e-Service.  

If you wish to submit your application through the Consulate-General, please appear in person with the application documents. You can visit ICA's website to access information on the REP renewal procedure.

(with effect from 1 January 2022)
SGD10 or CNY49 (per year or part thereof)


  • With introduction of e-REP system, ICA will cease the practice of stamping the REP in the passport. Instead, an electronic Re-Entry Permit (Form 7) will be issued.
  • Please keep the REP carefully. You are advised to carry a copy of your REP with you when you travel overseas as some foreign authorities and agencies may need to see your REP when you travel. Travellers who do not have a hard copy of their REP may be denied exit by the local immigration of some countries. Do not glue or staple your REP to the Travel Document. 

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