Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, unless exempted* are required to serve National Service (NS). Following the completion of full-time NS, they will be required to serve up to 40 days of Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) per year for the duration of their ORNS training cycle till the age of 50 years (for officers) or 40 years (for other ranks).
NS-liable persons are required to register for NS upon reaching 16 1/2 years old and will be scheduled for enlistment at the earliest opportunity upon reaching 18 years old. Deferment from NS for university studies, regardless of whether such studies have begun, will not be granted. Those who are pursuing full-time GCE ‘A’ Level or Polytechnic Diploma studies (or equivalent) may be granted deferment if they meet the deferment conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Defence. All male applicants are required to access www.cmpb.gov.sg for information on NS deferment, pre-enlistment process and Exit Permit requirements, before proceeding with the application.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Central Manpower Base
Email: contact@ns.sg
Contact no: 1800-3676767 (local) or +65 6567 6767 (overseas)