MFA Press Statement: Singapore’s participation in the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, 27 January 2016

11 Dec 2015


      Singapore’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR) will take place at the Human Rights Council on 27 January 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.  The UPR is a State-driven reporting process which reviews the human rights policies and practices of all UN member States every four-and-a-half years.  Ambassador-at-Large Professor Chan Heng Chee will lead the Singapore delegation to this UPR.  



     Singapore submitted its National Report for its second UPR in October 2015.

(The Report is available at  The Report discusses the concrete steps that Singapore has taken to continue building a fair and inclusive society by strengthening social protection and preserving social harmony.  It outlines the policies and programmes the Government has implemented since Singapore’s last UPR in 2011 to improve the lives of all Singaporeans, particularly the most vulnerable groups.  The Report also takes account of input from the Singaporean public and local civil society organisations (CSOs) gleaned from public consultation exercises such as the Our Singapore Conversation and dedicated dialogue sessions with CSOs.



     Singapore will participate constructively at our second UPR.  We look forward to a positive exchange of views with fellow UN member States and CSOs, including sharing with them Singapore’s comprehensive and pragmatic approach to human rights, tailored to achieve positive outcomes in our unique historical, social and cultural context.


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11 DECEMBER 2015


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