Statement by the Permanent Mission of Singapore during Agenda Item 2 of the 36th Session of the Human Rights Council on 12 September 2017

19 Sep 2017

Mr President,


     My delegation would like to share Singapore’s perspective on the yearly supplement of the Secretary-General to his quinquennial report on capital punishment (A/HRC/36/26). 

     Singapore is unwavering in our commitment to the rule of law.  Singapore is ranked 9th in the 2016 World Justice Report’s Rule of Law index.

     The death penalty in Singapore is applied for the most serious crimes only after due judicial process, in strict accordance with the law.

     Individuals facing the death penalty in Singapore receive equal protection under the law, and their rights are protected by stringent safeguards, without discrimination.

     All persons facing capital charges are assigned free legal counsel if needed under our Legal Assistance Scheme for Capital Offences, regardless of nationality. There is no means test to pass or eligibility criteria to satisfy.

     All have the right to the free assistance of an interpreter, the right to a public hearing, to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and to appeal against the decision.

     All death sentences are automatically reviewed by the Court of Appeal, our apex court, for whether the decision is correct, legal and appropriate. The convicted can also petition the President for clemency.

     Our law also provides that capital punishment may not be imposed on pregnant women, persons of unsound mind, and persons under the age of 18.

     We also reiterate our view that the issue of capital punishment and the types of crimes for which the death penalty is applied to, is a question that every State has the sovereign right to decide for itself, taking into account its own national circumstances.

     Thank you Mr President.

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