Travel Notice for Paris, France [Updated: 22 November 2015]

22 Nov 2015


There were multiple terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, resulting in fatalities and injuries. Given the severity of the attacks and the continuing threat of further attacks, French authorities have extended the state of emergency declared on 14 November 2015 for three months from 26 November 2015. The state of emergency will apply across the country. During this period, enhanced security measures will be put in place, including strengthened border controls, restrictions on circulation of people and motor vehicles, and closures of public places.  Singaporeans who have concerns about travelling to France may wish to make the necessary adjustments to their travel plans.


Singaporeans travelling to or residing in France are advised to exercise vigilance, monitor local news and developments closely and heed the instructions of the local French authorities. They should also take all necessary precautions for their personal safety, especially in crowded public places and public gatherings. They should also ensure that they have comprehensive travel and medical insurance coverage and check with their insurers if in doubt on the terms and conditions of their insurance coverage. 


Singaporeans are encouraged to eRegister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at for ease of contact in case of emergency. Those in need of urgent consular assistance may contact our Embassy in Paris or the 24 hour MFA Duty Office at:


Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in France

16 Rue Murillo

75008 Paris, France

Telephone: +33 6 7503 2555



Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24-hour)

Tel: 6379 8800, 6379 8855

Fax: 6476-7302



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