Statement in Response to Media Queries on the US’ Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, 2 June 2017

02 Jun 2017

The US has announced its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

Singapore reaffirms our commitment to the Paris Agreement and our Paris pledge[1].  As a low-lying, island city-state, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change and we have a deep interest in global efforts to address potential disruptions to natural ecosystems and human societies.  As a small country, we have also staunchly supported the rules-based multilateral system, and upheld the critical role of diplomacy in solving problems on the global commons.

Singapore will continue contributing to the global effort to address climate change.  We believe that a global approach towards dealing with climate change is the best chance the international community has at effectively addressing its effects.  We remain committed to undertaking the measures needed to achieve our Paris pledge, including implementing a carbon tax from 2019.  We stand ready to work with all Parties and stakeholders to address this urgent challenge together.

2 Jun 2017

About National Climate Change Secretariat

The National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) is part of the Strategy Group which supports the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to establish priorities and strengthen strategic alignment across Government. NCCS leads the development and implementation of Singapore's domestic and international policies and strategies to tackle climate change.

[1] As indicated in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Singapore aims to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030.

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