MHA Press Releases: Cancellation of Singapore Permanent Residence (SPR) Status - Huang Jing and Yang Xiuping, 4 Aug 2017

04 Aug 2017

     The Controller of Immigration has cancelled the Entry and Re-Entry Permits of Huang Jing (Huang) and his wife Shirley Yang Xiuping (Yang) on 4 Aug 2017 pursuant to Section 14(4) of the Immigration Act.  The Controller acted after he was satisfied that Huang was a Prohibited Immigrant under Section 8(1) of the Immigration Act, after it was determined that Huang was an undesirable immigrant pursuant to Section 8(3)(k) for engaging in activities inimical to Singapore’s national interests.  Yang was declared a Prohibited Immigrant under Section 8(1) on the basis that she is a family member of Huang under Section 8(3)(n) of the Immigration Act.  The couple are US citizens.


2    Huang was Director of the Centre on Asia and Globalisation, and Lee Foundation Professor on US-China Relations, at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP).  He has been identified as an agent of influence of a foreign country.   He knowingly interacted with intelligence organisations and agents of the foreign country, and co-operated with them to influence the Singapore Government’s foreign policy and public opinion in Singapore.  To this end, he engaged prominent and influential Singaporeans and gave them what he claimed was “privileged information” about the foreign country, so as to influence their opinions in favour of that country.  Huang also recruited others in aid of his operations.


 3    Huang used other avenues as well.  For example, he gave supposedly “privileged information” to a senior member of the LKYSPP, in order that it be conveyed to the Singapore Government.  The information was duly conveyed by that senior member of the LKYSPP to very senior public officials who were in a position to direct Singapore’s foreign policy.  The clear intention was to use the information to cause the Singapore Government to change its foreign policy.  However, the Singapore Government declined to act on the “privileged information”.  


4    Huang’s wife, Yang, was aware that Huang was acting through his position at the LKYSPP to advance the agenda of a foreign country.


5    Huang used his senior position in the LKYSPP to deliberately and covertly advance the agenda of a foreign country at Singapore’s expense.  He did this in collaboration with foreign intelligence agents.  This amounts to subversion and foreign interference in Singapore’s domestic politics.   Huang’s continued presence in Singapore, and that of his wife, are therefore undesirable.  Both will be permanently banned from re-entering Singapore.

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