RSIS-WTO Parliamentarian Workshop, Singapore, 11-13 June 2019

15 Jun 2019

RSIS-WTO Parliamentarian Workshop, Singapore, 11-13 June 2019


The World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Centre for Multilateralism Studies, RSIS organised a three-day workshop in Singapore from 11 to 13 June 2019 for regional parliamentarians on international trade. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Temasek Foundation and the WTO. This is the tenth edition of the workshop.


The capacity-building workshop is intended to enhance regional legislators’ ability to engage in international trade issues. This includes a deeper understanding of the WTO, and current and future negotiating issues in international trade.


See remarks from Singapore’s Speaker of Parliament Mr Tan Chuan-Jin regarding the event:


We live in interesting times.


For students of history, I wonder if years from now we will look upon this present period as an inflection point. It can always seem so when you are living it and buffeted by the volatility of the here and now. It’s with time that things begin to smoothen out and you begin to really notice which are the real defining moments of change and transitions.


We watch what is now happening in the UK, EU, US and China with interest and with some trepidation as we wonder if the changes will begin to have a dramatic impact on the world as we know it. The global balance is changing not just with China’s irresistible rise but it is happening at a time when key players like the US and Europe are also relooking at their roles on the world stage. Some of it is shaped by their internal politics. When the balance changes, politics and economics will get affected and ultimately impact on our well being. How will it change and what will it change to?


Oh yes. And there is this ‘small’ thing about the fourth industrial revolution that keeps on churning forward. It’s breathless. Scary. Exciting. And keeps us on edge as we see endless possibilities alongside major disruptions to our lives in hugely significant ways. We need to figure out how to ride those waves.


As a Government, we are preoccupied with these even as we manage the myriad domestic requirements to look after our people for present and future. We are already setting in place policies and constantly evolving them. At the same time, we continue to remain plugged in to the broader world and systems and try and contribute what we can.


This initiative by Temasek Foundation International, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the World Trade Organisation is into its 10th year and the importance of this session is probably even more critical than ever before. Small steps but we all do what we can to promote a shared perspective about our common futures. Parliamentarians can be insular because of the domestic audience but we need to know what is happening outside our borders and hopefully help shape the right outcomes and not become overly inward looking.


The Straits Times, Abuse, Neglect of Multilateral Trading system will Benefit Few: Tan Chuan-Jin, 11 June 2019…/abuse-neglect-of-multilatera…


The Straits Times, Global Trade may Drop 17% in Full Trade War: WTO, 11 June 2019…/global-trade-may-drop-17-in-…


Read up on Temasek Foundation‘s work on the international front.


Source: (11 June 2019)


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