The Singapore National Youth Orchestra (SNYO) delivered a delightful performance at the Xinghai Concert Hall

26 Dec 2018

The Singapore National Youth Orchestra (SNYO) delivered a delightful performance at the Xinghai Concert Hall on 23 December 2018 during its recent tour of Guangzhou and Hong Kong.  The tour in Guangzhou was organised by Guangzhou Symphony Performing Arts Co.  Under the direction of the SNYO Principal Conductor Joshua Tan, the Orchestra performed three pieces, including an opening piece composed by Ms Lee Jia Yi who is currently a 4th year student at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore.  Renowned trumpeter Pacho Flores and two talented SNYO members performed the thrilling Arutiunian Trumpet Concerto.  The SNYO members also interacted with members of the Guangzhou Youth Symphony Orchestra after the concert.  

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