PRESS RELEASE Gift of Books in Commemoration of Singapore's Golden Jubilee in Hong Kong

08 Dec 2015

HONG KONG, 8 December 2015 - In celebration of Singapore's golden jubilee (SG50), Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth Ms Sim Ann presented 302 books today to the Hong Kong Public Libraries as part of the SG50 Gift of Books initiative. Singapore Consul-General Jacky Foo noted that this marks the final event of the year of SG50 celebrations in Hong Kong organised by the Singapore Consulate-General. 

The Gift of Books initiative, led by the Singapore National Library Board and supported by the Consulate-General, aims to create greater awareness of Singapore's heritage and cityscape, and the books include popular Singapore works such as Reflecting on the Merlion: Anthology of Poems by Edwin Thumboo and My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore's Bilingual Journey by Lee Kuan Yew. 

Officiating at the book presentation ceremony, Ms Florence Hui, Hong Kong Under Secretary for Home Affairs, spoke of the excellent ties and continued exchanges across all levels between Hong Kong and Singapore. Thanking Singapore for the Gift of Books, Ms Hui encouraged Hong Kong readers to have a good read of the Singapore books to foster a better understanding of Singapore and to understand the many common challenges and opportunities faced by the two cities.  

Ms Sim highlighted the close ties between our two cities and the strong people to people relationships as well as the long-standing partnership between Singapore's National Library Board and the Hong Kong Public Libraries. Ms Sim added that the book presentation will further strengthen the relationship between the two institutions for future collaborations. 

Ms Sim visited Hong Kong from 6 - 8 December 2015 to attend the Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum 2015, where participating countries discussed ways to work with the wider community to promote the arts and foster regional cultural co-operation.  While in Hong Kong, Ms Sim also called on Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and met with organizations on the development of arts and culture and youth engagement.


Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth Ms Sim Ann presenting commemorative books to Under Secretary for Home Affairs Ms Florence Hui at the SG50 Gift of Books event at Hong Kong Central Library, 8 December 2015.

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