Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival 2017

05 Jun 2017

The Singapore National Dragon Boat Teams (Men and Women) participated in the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival 2017 with the races held over the weekend on 3rd to 4th June 2017 at the Central Harbourfront.

The Singapore Consulate supported our National Teams at their opening race on 3rd June 2017, where the Men’s team clinched the 1st position in the race. Consul (Admin & Consular) Constance Ngiam addressed the team members and congratulated them on the victory of their opening race


Photo credits: Singapore National Dragon Boat Team


The Singapore National Dragon Boat team which participated in the Hong Kong races comprised 39 members, with a mixture of working professional and students who did Dragon Boating part-time. Nonetheless, their commitment and passion for the sport was apparent as they did Singapore proud by clinching the overall Champion for the Open races, Mixed Gender Races and Women’s Races.


Photo credits: Singapore National Dragon Boat Team

Well done to the teams and all members who participated in the race! The Consulate wishes them all the best in their upcoming races, and we look forward to see them in Hong Kong for next year’s Dragon Boat Carnival!

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