Vocational and Professional Education and Training International WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition

18 Jun 2017

Singapore and Hong Kong share the same philosophy on vocational and professional education and training (VPET). We believe that there are many pathway to success in life and vocational training is also an integral component. A large Singapore delegation comprising of ITE officials and students from our polytechnics attended the VPET international Conference 2017 in Hong Kong. Some are also invited to participate in World Skills Competition and Carnival in Beauty Therapy etc. Check them out at the Wanchai HK convention and exhibition Centre!


With the Singapore delegates from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic.
Outstanding STEM Student Project Presentation from Ngee Ann Polytechnic Biomedical Engineering Department.
See the prototype the students created. It can measure heartbeat, weather, humidity etc.
Explanation by Ngee Ann Polytechnic lecturer!

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