Expression of Interest - Design and Project Consultancy Services

03 Jul 2023

To: Interested Companies




The Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore in Johor Bahru, Malaysia invites interested companies to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Provision of Design and Project Consultancy Services for the Renovation of Chancery Office Space of the Singapore Consulate-General in Johor Bahru (EOI Reference Number: FOR000ERF23000001)


2 The requirements include designing the fit out of a new area of about 13,800 square feet in a commercial office building to create new offices, meeting rooms, pantry, stores, etc., including mechanical, electrical, audio-visual, PABX, IT, UPS and security works1, and the reinstatement of  an existing office of about 8,900 square feet. The appointed consultant shall be responsible from the design, tender preparation, tendering for contractors to carry out the construction work, contract administration, project management for construction to project close out. The consultant shall also obtain all necessary authorities’ approvals for the premises.


3 It is important to highlight that only companies who meet the following critical criteria would be shortlisted for the pre-qualification exercise:


(a) Companies must have an office based in Malaysia and possess the valid operating licences issued by the relevant authorities in Johor Bahru for the works;

(b) Companies must be cleared by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore; and

(c) Companies must have satisfactorily completed works of similar nature in Malaysia.


4 The evaluation criteria for the pre-qualification exercise would be:


(a) Financial Capacity (15%)

(b) Experience of Project Personnel (30%)

(c) Company Track Record of Projects of Similar Nature and Scale (40%)

(d) Manpower allocation and available resources (10%)

(e) Customer Satisfaction Certificates of Performed Works (5%)


5 The maximum number of companies who will be eligible to participate in the subsequent Tender Stage will be those who meet all the pre-qualifying criteria stated and who have submitted their qualifying documents by the closing date of this EOI.


6 The EOI documents, Annex A (Instructions to Companies) and Annex B (Particulars of Company), are available on request via email to It is mandatory for interested companies to fill up all information requested in Annex B and submit the completed sections in Annex B together with all required attachments.


7 One “Original” set, One “Copy” and One CDrom of the EOI shall be submitted to the following address before 4:00PM, local time (Malaysia), on 17 July 2023:


Suite 35.02, Level 35, Johor Bahru City Square Office Tower,

106–108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook

80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia 

Attn: Tan Kee Chor, Consul (Admin & Consular)


8 Any clarifications should be made in writing and sent via the electronic mail to the following email addresses no later than 7 calendar days before the closing date of this EOI:




9 Companies who wish to seek extension to the specified Period of EOI shall submit their request via electronic mail to the email addresses stated under para 7 no later than 7 calendar days from the closing date, failing which we would have the discretion to disregard any such requests.



Yours faithfully,




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