ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Rocket Launch

10 Feb 2016


Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Rocket Launch

ASEAN has learned of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) rocket launch on 7 February 2016.

ASEAN follows closely the situation in the Korean Peninsula and shares common concern of the international community over the recent developments in the said region.

ASEAN strongly urges the DPRK to comply with all the relevant UNSC resolutions.

ASEAN reaffirms its full support for the early resumption of the Six Party Talks and to bring about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through peaceful means.

ASEAN reiterates the importance of dialogue and constructive engagement for maintaining peace and security in the Korean Peninsula.




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