ASEAN, Russia to broaden cultural ties

19 May 2016


Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

ASEAN, Russia to broaden cultural ties

SOCHI, 19 May 2016 – The ASEAN-Russia Culture Ministers Meeting was held today in the city of Sochi, the Russian Federation. Delegations of ministries and agencies responsible for culture of all ASEAN Member States and the Ministry of Culture of Russia participated in the meeting. The ASEAN Secretariat was led by H.E. Le Luong Minh, Secretary-General of ASEAN, and Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee.

This is the first ministerial meeting on culture between ASEAN and the Russian Federation aiming to strengthen friendships and people-to-people contacts, and broaden ties in the field of culture and the arts.

During the meeting, SG Minh exchanged views with other ministers from ASEAN and Russia on the activities of the ASEAN-Russia Year of Culture in 2016 and the future directions to foster cultural links and cooperation in the framework of ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Partnership. He also emphasized the need to intensify cooperation efforts in culture and other social aspects to further advance a united, dynamic and forward-looking ASEAN with culture as one of its enduring foundations.

The Meeting adopted the Joint Statement to guide the advancement of ASEAN-Russia cooperation in the field of culture and the arts.

As part of the cultural ministers meeting, the ASEAN-Russia Culture Festival and the Exhibition on “The ASEAN Nations – a Russian Vision” will be held on 19-20 May in Sochi.

SG Minh also led the ASEAN Secretariat to attend the ASEAN-Russia Business Forum. 

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