ASEAN, United States reaffirm commitment to closer cooperation

05 Apr 2017

ASEAN-US-JCC 5-4-2017


Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

ASEAN, United States reaffirm commitment to closer cooperation

JAKARTA, 5 April 2017 – ASEAN and the United States (U.S.) reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen their strategic partnership at the 8th ASEAN-U.S. Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting held at the ASEAN Secretariat yesterday.

The meeting serves as a key institutional mechanism to review ASEAN-U.S. functional cooperation and discuss ways to advance cooperation.

Amidst the on-going transition under the new administration, the U.S. reaffirmed their continued support to ASEAN, particularly under the five priority areas of cooperation, namely transnational challenges, maritime cooperation, economic integration, fostering emerging leaders and women’s opportunities.

Both sides noted the upward trajectory of ASEAN-U.S. cooperation and the progress made in the implementation of the ASEAN-U.S. Plan of Action (2016-2020). Noting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations, the meeting highlighted the importance of taking stock of the achievements made and to explore ways to further deepen the ASEAN-U.S. ties.

Following the announcement of the establishment of the U.S.-ASEAN Connect at the ASEAN-U.S. Special Leaders’ Summit at Sunnylands last year, the meeting welcomed further contribution of the U.S. towards improving public-private policy engagements, people-to-people exchanges, and capacity building activities.

The U.S. also looked forward to continuing to make progress with ASEAN on cyber issues across a broad range of platforms, including the ASEAN Regional Forum to promote shared principles, implement confidence building measures and strengthen cyber capacity throughout the region.

Both sides exchanged views on issues of common concerns in the region, including the developments on the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea, and reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, stability and security in the region.

Co-chaired by Shariffah Norhana Syed Mustaffa, Permanent Representative of Malaysia to ASEAN and Jane Bocklage, Charge d’Affaires of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN, the meeting was attended by the Permanent Representatives of ASEAN Member States and representatives of the ASEAN Secretariat.




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