ASEAN launches book on 50 years of economic integration

07 Sep 2017

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  ASEAN Secretariat News

ASEAN launches book on 50 years of economic integration

JAKARTA, 7 September 2017 – The ASEAN Economic Community Department at the ASEAN Secretariat is launching a publication entitled “A Journey towards Regional Economic Integration: 1967 – 2017” in commemoration of ASEAN’s 50th anniversary.

This publication retraces key milestones as ASEAN progressed over the past 50 years towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), an integrated economic community offering a unique model for regionalism that underpins ASEAN’s broader commitment to shared prosperity.

The publication is designed as a user-friendly public reference to better understand the AEC journey but also the dynamic contour of the global economic landscape serving as a background to those key milestones.

History has shown that translating the vision of ASEAN’s founding fathers into a concrete regional agenda that would benefit all peoples does not happen overnight and is a work in progress, with many contributing to this journey. To this end, engagement with stakeholders and broader communities is vital in ensuring that ASEAN regional agenda remains relevant to the changing needs and expectations of its peoples. The publication, therefore, forms part of ASEAN’s efforts to continue to enhance stakeholders’ awareness of and improve their engagement on the AEC.

To download this publication, visit: 

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