25th Meeting of the AICHR

25 Nov 2017


Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

25th Meeting of the AICHR

The AICHR held its 25th Meeting of the AICHR on 26 to 27 November 2017 in Bohol, the Philippines. The Meeting was chaired by the Representative of the Philippines to the AICHR, H.E. Mr. Leo Herrera-Lim.

The two-day meeting discussed the implementation of AICHR priority programmes/activities and took note of the reports of the AICHR-ACWC Training Workshop on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 2nd Workshop on the Development of ASEAN Legal Human Rights Instrument, and the Executive Summary of the Record of Proceedings of the AICHR Judicial Colloquium on the Sharing of Good Practices Regarding International Human Rights Law. The Meeting was briefed on the upcoming AICHR workshops relating to education for children with disabilities and the right to health, and the convening of the Roundtable Discussion on ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) to commemorate 50th anniversary of ASEAN and 5th anniversary of the AHRD.

The Meeting was also updated on the progress of several thematic studies currently undertaken by the AICHR, including on the right to education and the right to peace.

The AICHR also held an award ceremony for the winners of the ASEAN Youth Video Competition: “ASEAN Against Trafficking: Humans are not for Sale” on the sidelines of the Meeting. The award ceremony showcased the winning videos from Cambodia (Regional Winner) and Malaysia (People’s Choice Award Winner).

Concluding the Meeting with AICHR chairmanship handover ceremony, the Meeting expressed their high appreciation to H.E. Mr. Leo Herrera-Lim and the Philippines for the excellent chairmanship, and welcomed Singapore for their chairmanship in 2018.

The 26th Meeting of the AICHR will be held in Singapore in January 2018.

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