Chinese Vice Premier reaffirms commitment to strengthen relations with ASEAN

27 Nov 2017


Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

Chinese Vice Premier reaffirms commitment to strengthen relations with ASEAN

JAKARTA, 27 November 2017 – China is committed to strengthening its strategic partnership with ASEAN, reaffirmed Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Liu Yandong. She conveyed this during her meeting with Secretary-General of ASEAN Le Luong Minh.

Visiting the ASEAN Secretariat, Vice Premier Liu congratulated ASEAN on its Golden Jubilee and the achievements over the past five decades. She said that ASEAN is now at a new beginning for a brighter, greater success in the next 50 years.

Vice Premier Liu stressed that China has always placed its relation with ASEAN as a priority in its diplomatic relations and reaffirmed China’s support for ASEAN’s socio-economic development, integration and central role in regional affairs.

She took the opportunity to inform Secretary-General Minh of the efforts of China to bring about development and greater prosperity for its people which would in turn benefit the region as a whole including ASEAN.

Secretary-General Minh underscored the dynamic and important relations between ASEAN and China since its establishment in 1991. He highlighted the expansion of trade and investment ties as well as deepening of relations in other areas such as tourism, education, and people-to-people exchanges over the years as manifestation of the closer ASEAN-China relations.

Both sides looked forward to commemorating the 15th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in 2018 which will be another opportunity to elevate the partnership to a higher level. Promoting innovation-based growth would be key to substantiating the partnership, together with the need to further enhance people-to-people linkages as the platform for mutual understanding and friendship. Both sides also stressed the need to enhance connectivity as part of greater regional connectivity efforts which would include exploring synergies between the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and the Belt and Road Initiative.

While expressing appreciation for China’s continued support for ASEAN Community-building efforts, Secretary-General Minh welcomed China’s continued support for ASEAN Centrality in the regional architecture which remains crucial for regional peace and stability.

Vice Premier Liu is the highest ranking Chinese official to have visited the ASEAN Secretariat. As part of this visit, the Vice Premier also met with the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN.

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