ASEAN releases third issue of Economic Integration Brief

13 Jul 2018

ASEAN releases third issue of Economic Integration Brief

ASEAN releases third issue of Economic Integration Brief

Source:  ASEAN Secretariat News

JAKARTA, 13 July 2018 –
 ASEAN has released the third issue of the ASEAN Economic Integration Brief (AEIB) to provide an update on progress in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in the first half of 2018, and other developments relevant to the region.

The issue highlights two thematic articles. In a special feature article, H.E. Dato Lim Jock Hoi, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, shares his vision for ASEAN in a midst of a rapidly changing global environment and the digital transformation that is underway. In the other article, Adjunct Professor Patrick Low, former Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization (WTO), touches on the topical theme of the escalating trade tensions, and their implications on the multilateral trading system and the region.

The issue also includes regular sections on global and regional economic outlook, updates on the AEC, and the latest ASEAN statistics.

The key messages in this issue of the AEIB dovetail with the theme of Singapore’s 2018 ASEAN Chairmanship of “resilient and innovative,” signalling the region’s commitment to foster its collective future-readiness as well as recognition of the need for closer cooperation across sectors in the AEC and across ASEAN Community Pillars.

The ASEAN Economic Integration Brief is produced by the ASEAN Integration Monitoring Directorate (AIMD) of the ASEAN Secretariat. For further information, please contact:

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