2018 ASEAN Women’s Circle Bazaar raises money for charity

06 Nov 2018

JAKARTA, 6 November 2018 - The 2018 ASEAN Women’s Circle of Jakarta (AWC) raised more than US$ 10,000 following the bazaar held on 1-2 November at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta.

Funds were raised from stall rentals, entrance ticket sales, lucky draws, silent auctions, and donations from sales of some ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners.  Proceeds from this year’s bazaar will be donated to beneficiaries such as Indonesia Ekselensia, Tarbiyah Bunaiya and for the AWC’s disaster relief fund.

The bazaar was participated by ASEAN Member States, Dialogue Partners and more than 70 vendors from all over Indonesia and the ASEAN Region.  ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners showcased and sold products and delicacies unique in their respective countries.  Vendors offered goods ranging from batik fabric and clothes to handicrafts, and accessories. Distinctive items such as recycled home wares, scented candles, organic bath and beauty products were sold by vendors focusing on social enterprise and women empowerment.

In her welcome remarks at the opening ceremony, which was attended by the Committee of Permanent Representatives, diplomats and their spouses, AWC President Sari Percaya expressed her gratitude to everyone who continuously support the annual event.  She informed the audience of the accomplishments of AWC over the past year such as projects which were focused on education, women empowerment, and for children with special needs.  She also took the opportunity to invite volunteers, especially spouses of diplomats to join some of the members of the AWC Executive Committee who regularly teach in Ekselensia, a boarding school for less privileged students.

Dr. AKP Mochtan, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for Community and Corporate Affairs, thanked the AWC for making the bazaar an exciting event that people look forward to every year.  He lauded the AWC for their steadfast work and dedication to their charity endeavours especially their swift action to come up with donations when certain calamities struck Indonesia over the past months.

Also during the opening ceremony, the Royal Thai Embassy, the Permanent Mission of Thailand to Indonesia ASEAN and ladies from the Thai community in Indonesia performed a well-applauded opening dance number entitled The Spirit of ASEAN.  Each of the ten dancers donned costumes and performed dances representing the 10 ASEAN countries.  Jubing Kristianto, an acclaimed Indonesian acoustic guitarist also performed soulful renditions of Indonesian folk songs both at the opening ceremony and the bazaar venue.  Children with Autism from Mpati, an organization of differently abled and special children likewise performed at the bazaar.

This year’s bazaar was supported by some of AWC’s loyal patrons and corporate sponsors such as Air Asia, Philippine Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Alila Hotels and Fairmont Hotel.   The Mission of Thailand to ASEAN donated a round trip ticket to Bangkok via Thai Airways. Asian Tigers, an international moving company gave away hampers for raffle and eco bags for shoppers on the two-day event.  Other sponsors were Danone, Lotte Duty Free, and Ming by Tung Lok.


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