Joint Statement of the 22nd EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting

21 Jan 2019

Joint Statement of the 22nd EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting

ASEAN Secretariat

We, the Foreign Ministers of Member States of the European Union and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, the Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), gathered on 21 January 2019 in Brussels, Belgium, at the 22nd EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting.

We emphasise the importance of shared values and common interests that bind our two regions in a longstanding partnership as “partners in integration”, such as the principles of mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality for all states, and other principles of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the Charter of the United Nations, and international law. We welcome further dialogue and engagement between ASEAN and the EU and recognise the need for close cooperation to address the shared challenges we face. We welcome the successful convening of the EU-ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting in Brussels in October 2018 and underscore our commitment to implement the EU-ASEAN Plan of Action (2018-2022).

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