Launched: ASEAN Communication Master Plan II

05 Mar 2019

SINGAPORE, 5 March 2019 – ASEAN launched the ASEAN Communication Master Plan II (ACMP II) at a familiarisation dialogue event in Singapore today.

ACMP II, which covers 2018 to 2025, serves as a framework to guide the regional harmonisation of key messages and outreach strategies in effectively communicating ASEAN developments and efforts in bringing the benefits of regional integration to ASEAN citizens.

Representatives of the political-security, economic, and socio-cultural pillars of the ASEAN Community attended the ACMP II Familiarisation Dialogue II in an effort to deepen awareness-building and mindshare on regional developments. They will discuss ways to enhance the public’s understanding of ASEAN developments and the benefits it brings through community-building.

“ACMP II presents a broad overarching message of ‘ASEAN: A Community of Opportunities for All’. We must therefore take advantage of growing digital connectivity to reach out to our peoples, and share with them ASEAN stories,” ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for Socio-Cultural Community Kung Phoak said at the launching.

ACMP II supports the ASEAN Vision 2025 of a “rules-based, people-oriented, people-centred community” and highlights the milestones and ongoing efforts of ASEAN community-building. Initiated by the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI), the ACMP II is noted by the ASEAN Leaders at the 33rd ASEAN Summit in November 2018 in Singapore.

“Given the diverse range of audiences in ASEAN, I am happy that the detailed communication strategies laid out in the ACMP II are broad and flexible to allow for each ASEAN Member State to adapt them to their own local contexts and allow development of messaging at a national level based on each country’s priorities,” said Tan Li San, Chair of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information (SOMRI).

The development of ACMP II and the Familiarisation Dialogue were supported by the Government of the Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

“ACMP II will enable the people living in the ASEAN region to comprehend fully the ASEAN Vision and their role in it. It will thus help to engender a collective sense of pride and ownership in them, which will help to create and to sustain the commitment and perseverance necessary to sustain it for the long run,” remarked Oliver Fixson, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission of German Embassy to Singapore.


ACMP II is available here.

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